- Civic consciousness is a kind of self-knowledge about one"s status in the country,right and incumbency. 公民意識是公民對自己在國家中的社會地位、社會權利和社會責任的一種自覺認識。
- ICBC's status underscores the growing prominence of Chinese lenders. 工行的狀況凸顯了中國銀行業日益突出的地位。
- With Molly Holly leaving the company, and Trish being injured, the title? s status is currently up in the air. 莫莉與冬青離開公司;而白金受傷;名稱?中的地位正在上升;在空中.
- An official government document that certifies one's identity and citizenship and permits a citizen to travel abroad. 護照證明某人的身份和公民資格以及允許公民到國外旅行的正式官方文件
- Furthermore, is a seven-digit number the best way to indicate the disk』s status? 而且7位的數字就是最好的指示硬碟狀態的方法嗎?
- Other programs may attempt to detect certain floating-point errors by checking the FPU's status word. 其他程序可能嘗試通過檢查FPU的狀態字來檢測某些浮點錯誤。
- Although women』s status has changed considerately, their complete liberation if far from being realized. 儘管婦女的地位有了很大程度的提高,但她們的徹底解放依然任重道遠。
- This article is divided into five parts to discuss the unincorporated association"s status in civil law. 本文分為五個部分對非法人團體的主體地位問題進行了探討。
- This display has a short learning curve. Once mastered, it allows nurses and facility managers to understand their facility』s status at a glance. 這種顯示有一個短時間的學習過程,一旦熟練掌握,它讓護士和設施管理者對設施狀態一目了然。
- Women s reproduction health is one of their basic human rights,and a mark of how far they progress in women s lib and a mark of the enhancement of women s statue. 女性生殖健康是婦女的一項基本人權,也是婦女解放程度和婦女地位提高的重要標誌。
- Immediately uplift on BLACO』s status from the very beginning is not appropriate since the brand of BALCO is not well-known. 作為一個尚不為人熟知的手錶品牌,剛開始做的工作,絕對不是立刻抬高身價。
- Leaving the factory before the dismissed date, employees should be certified by factory management. The certified one will have the salary. 特殊原因需在辭工到期前離廠的,需經工廠管理層批准,經過批准提前離廠的員工不扣工資。
- SUNSTAR the W24H through the PC, PCD, PDA at any time can quickly identify and deal with all A / S status of the most advanced service system. SUNSTAR的W24H是通過PC、PCD、PDA隨時可以迅速確認和處理所有A/S狀況的最先進的服務系統。
- Asia is one of the hottest markets on the globe to do business and it is also certifiably one of the car craziest places on the globe. 亞洲已成為全球最火熱的商業活動的地方,它同時也是令全球車迷最瘋狂的地方。
- Mr.Cheyenne Yu, GM of SCT welcomed the guests and introduced them the update of SCT's status in quo and future development plans. 公司總經理余俊英接待了來訪嘉賓並介紹了蛇口集裝箱碼頭的現狀及未來發展規劃。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最優秀的跨欄選手之一。
- In short, the protective legislation based on middle-class concepts of feminie, can"t change women"s status rudimentarily. 總之,針對女工的保護性立法建立在中產階級的女性觀基礎上,並不能帶來女工地位的根本改變。
- I certify that this is a true copy. 我證明這是真副本。
- I certify that he has received your money. 我證明他已經收到了你的錢。
- Various data at university office system such as student"s status, finance accounts, personal information, all kinds of archives were saved in harddisk. 高校辦公系統中各種重要數據如學籍管理、財務帳目、人事資料、各種檔案等將保存在計算機的硬碟中。