- The third tache was narrating DEXI's lot with club. 第三個環節是講述DEXI與微軟俱樂部的不解之緣。
- share a common fate; throw in one's lot with sb. 共命運
- They cast in their lot with the workers and peasants in the struggle. 他們在鬥爭中和工農同甘苦共命運。
- We are forming a mining company; you had better cast in your lot with us. 我們在組建採礦公司,你最好和我們合夥。
- I intend to go along with this good man, and to cast in my lot with him. 我打算陪著這位好人,與他共患難。
- cast in one's lot with 決心與 ... 共患難
- She has a cast in one eye. 她一隻眼輕度斜視。
- He came running here with a knife held in one hand. 他一手握著刀向這裡跑來。
- By the door stood a man with a knife in one hand. 有個男人站在門旁,手裡拿著小刀。
- I was getting nowhere on my own so I decided to cast in my lot with Hal and now we're successfully in business togther. 我一個人舉步維艱,因此我決定同哈爾合夥,現在我們一起搞得很有成就。
- Investigate and deal with sb the case is the important step that aggrandizement supervises, it is record be careful in one's conduct a of censorial mechanism basic function. 構建教育、制度、監督三者並重的懲治和預防腐敗體系,是加強黨的執政能力建設的重要內容。查辦案件是強化監督的重要手段,是紀檢監察機關的一項基本職能。近年來,我們徐州市紀委充分發揮查辦案件在懲防體系中的功能作用,取得了良好的政治、經濟和社會效果。
- Below the rim, gourds encircled it-ten to a cubit. The gourds were cast in two rows in one piece with the Sea. 在海邊之下,周圍有野瓜的樣式;每肘十瓜,共有兩行,是鑄海的時候鑄上的。
- He is cast in his father's mold. 他長得和他父親一模一樣。
- Below the rim, figures of bulls encircled it-ten to a cubit. The bulls were cast in two rows in one piece with the Sea. 海周圍有野瓜(野瓜原文作牛)的樣式,每肘十瓜,共有兩行,是鑄海的時候鑄上的。
- Have a few interests in common with sb. 與某人有一些共同的興趣。
- English by birth, but who had long ago dwelt in Amsterdam, whence some good time agone he was minded to cross over and cast in his lot with us of the Massachusetts. 那上邊站著的女人嘛,先生,你應該知道,是一個有學問的人的妻子,男人生在英國,但已經長期在阿姆斯特丹定居,不知為了什麼,他好久以前想起要飄洋過海,搬到我們馬薩諸塞這地方來。
- Have few interests in common with sb. 與某人興趣很少相同。
- The block is cast in one piece from gray iron or iron alloyed with other metals, such as nickel or chromium. Some blocks are cast from aluminum. 缸體是由灰鑄鐵或含有鎳或鉻的合金鑄鐵整體鑄造而成的。有的缸體由鋁澆鑄而成。
- Row [sail] in the same boat with sb. 休戚相關,同舟共濟
- Now figures like oxen were under it and all around it, ten cubits, entirely encircling the sea. The oxen were in two rows, cast in one piece. 海周圍有野瓜(野瓜原文作牛)的樣式,每肘十瓜,共有兩行,是鑄海的時候鑄上的。