- My neighbor 's dog died from distemper. 我鄰居的狗死於犬瘟熱。
- We should not call one a hero that is none. 本來不是英雄的,就不應當說成是英雄。
- Passer-by: Oh! Did you call one? 路人:噢!你打電話叫車了嗎?
- In England they call one thousand million "a milliard". 十億是英國對十萬萬的說法。
- They lost their tempers easily and called one another's names. 他們動不動就發脾氣,互相謾罵。
- You are to remember that I knew no more of my descent than any cadger 's dog. 你們可記得我對於自己的家世,不見得比流浪漢的一頭狗知道的更多。
- CALL Calls one batch program from another. 從一個批處理程序中調用另一個批處理程序。
- In server code, call one of the methods listed in the following table. 在伺服器代碼中,調用下表中列出的一種方法。
- The Sequoia Humane Society』s dog clothes Center is open Tuesday through Saturday from noon to 5 p.m. 公司將於近期持營業執照、機房工程許可證申領表到中國證監會領取營業部經營許可證。
- We found it a good practice to call one's shot, every game we played. 我們發覺每玩一局都預測命中率的做法很好。
- The s Dog Collar teel ministry has recently suggested that import export duties on iron ore be raised. 根據規定,招標公告發布時間不得少於5天,中標人應加強對建造師的管理,不得隨意更換一級建造師。
- He calls one of the drawers to hold his horse. 他叫一位夥計替他拉馬。
- They become the official dog walkers for Nixon?s dog Checkers, and become his secret advisors during the Watergate scandal. 總統為了了解她們是否知道內幕,就聘請她們當白宮遛狗人,結果卻陰差陽錯的捲起一連串的滑稽事件!
- They lost their tempers easily and called one another rs names. 他們動不動就發脾氣,互相謾罵。
- In order to change the credentials for existing agent jobs, call one of the four procedures listed above. 為了更改現有代理作業的憑據,請調用上面列出的四個過程之一。
- So he called one of the servants and asked him what was going on. 便叫過一個僕人來,問是什麽事。
- They lost their tempers easily and called one another names. 他們動不動就發火,互相辱罵。
- Due to an implicit conversion, the compiler was not able to call one form of an overloaded method. 因隱式轉換的緣故,編譯器無法調用重載方法的某種形式。
- Barnum called one of these animals, 「The last mastodon on earth」. 伯紐姆把其中一種動物叫做「地球上最後一頭乳齒象」。
- No wonder it's called one of the wonders of the world. 難怪它被稱為世界奇觀之一。