- They also do not belong to the south meta-volcanic rock series of Northern Qilian Caledonides tectonic belts. 也不屬於北祁連加里東構造帶南帶變質火山岩系的一部分。
- The emergence stratum mainly is Palaeozoic sediment rock series, drape, rift grow,magma activity is delicacy. 出露地層主要為一套古生代沉積(淺變質)岩系,褶皺、斷裂構造發育,岩漿活動微弱。
- In South China,the Early Cambrian black rock series is rich in metallic and nonmetallic mineral ersources. 我國南部早寒武世黑色岩系中,蘊藏豐富的金屬和非金屬礦產。
- The pre-Devonian "Gomori Group" shallow metamorphic rock series are mostly redelineated as the Permian strata. 解體了測區南部前泥盆系「戈木日群」淺變質岩系,大部分釐定為二疊系;
- Abundant copper material was derived from volcanic rock series (olivine tholeiite) in the rift. 豐富的銅質來自巨厚的裂谷火山岩系(橄欖拉斑玄武岩)。
- Wangjiawaizi gold deposit occurrs in Lower Proterozoic opimetamorphic rock series. 王家崴子金礦床賦存於遼南古元古代淺變質岩系中。
- Volcanic rock series include mainly the shoshonite series and subordinately the high-K calc-alkalic series. 火山岩系列主要為橄欖玄粗岩系,其次為高鉀鈣鹼性岩系;
- The metallogenic substance mainly comes from the Archeozoic metamorphic rock series in basement. 成礦物質主要來源於基底太古界變質岩系。
- The Precambrian crystalline rock series in the Yadong area is previously called "the Nyalam Group". 摘要藏南亞東地區前寒武紀結晶岩系以往統稱為「聶拉木群」。
- They are controlled by shear fracture belt of epimetamorphic rock series of Precambrian Period. 主要賦存於前寒武紀淺變質岩系中,受剪切斷裂帶控制。
- The meta-intrusives of Wutai stage are Shawobulak gneissic rock suite basically in order, including TTG and adamellite rock series. 為一套基本有序的變侵入岩系列,包括TTG和二長花崗岩兩個岩系。
- The meta- intrusives of Wutai stage are Shawobulak gneissic rock suite basically in order,including TTG and adamellite rock series. 為一套基本有序的變侵入岩系列 ,包括 TTG和二長花崗岩兩個岩系。
- Wang Jia Wei Zi gold ore deposit is a new type gold mineral deposit in hypabyssal metamorphic rock series of early proterozoic era in south Liaoning. 王家崴子金礦床是遼南早元古界淺變質岩系中的一種新型金礦床。
- The Houdidong Au deposit occurred in the Permian, Kedao Formation contact zone between metamorphic rock series and Variscan gabbro body. 后底洞金礦床產於二疊紀柯島組變質岩系與華力西期輝長岩體內外接觸帶。
- The presenting of black shale series reflects abrupt environmental events,which formed many important ore hosting rock series. 黑色岩系的形成反映了環境的突變事件,構成了許多重要礦床的賦礦岩系。
- Which together with the quartz albitite etc.composited the replaced stratiform sedimentary rock series formed by Devonian hydrothermal metasomtism an... 層狀的岩脈與金礦床的空間關係密切是尋找金礦床的有效岩石標誌。
- The Archaean Jining Group, of dominant granulite fades metamorphism, is stratigraphically the oldest metamorphic rock series in the south Nel Mongol of China. 集寧群變質岩系按其岩性共分上、下二個岩組;
- Hepu basin is a reprentative basin in south China, there are two source rock series ( Jiuxikeng formation and two members of Shangyang formation) in its lower tertiary system. 合浦盆地是中國南方有代表性的盆地,其下第三系發育有酒席坑組和上洋組二段兩套生油岩系。
- The gypsum-and halite-bearing rock series of the Dingyuan Formation of Tertiary System at the north fringe of the Hefei rifted basin can be divided into three stages,i.e. 合肥斷陷盆地北緣古近、新近系含膏,含岩鹽系可分為三個階段:即早期為成膏,成鹽準備階段;中期為成膏,成鹽強烈階段;晚期為成膏,成鹽消亡階段。
- The mafic-ultramafic complex and volcanic rock series from Yanbian and Shimisn,westernSichuan,China are recognized as a rare Proterozoic high-Ti ophiolite suite in the world. 川西鹽邊、石棉兩地的基性超基性雜岩和火山岩係為世界上少見的元古代高鈦到蛇綠岩,這意味著該區曾經歷過海洋化過程和板塊運動。