a small restaurant where drinks and snacks are sold
用作名詞 (n.)
Come on, you can find internet bars and cafes all over San Francisco. 拜託,舊金山到處都可找到網路咖啡店。
Our second Beijing location is in Nali Mall alongside boutiques, galleries, and cafes in the Sanlitun bar street. 我們的第二家店位於北京著名的三里屯酒吧街的那裡花園,與眾多別具一格的精品店,酒吧,畫廊,咖啡店相鄰。
But the quayside cafes cater for every taste, and the huge bar will sell more beer during this week than most pubs do in a year. 然而,靠近碼頭的咖啡屋可以滿足各種口味,而且大酒吧賣出的啤酒在這一周內將比多數小酒館一年賣出的還多。
The following day in the evening, they two people change on a few giant Chan Bing rummer comes to cafes, use their tailor-made tankard ceremoniously first. 第二天晚上,他們兩人換上幾隻巨型單柄大酒杯來到酒館,隆重地首次使用他們的特製大啤酒杯。