- In the explosion Tony's parents were buried alive for hours. 在那次爆炸事件中,托尼的父母被泥土碎石活埋達幾個小時。
- What tea or gruel , soup can cure an acne , the pockmark , the smallpox bury alive , the smallpox prints? 您的位置:我也知道>生活>美容/塑身>什麼茶或粥、湯可以治療青春痘、痘痕、痘坑、痘印?
- You would not like to be buried alive . 你不會喜歡被人活埋。
- How to handle do 18-year-old males , black-headed hoary head of in the face acne smallpox smallpox smallpox seal smallpoxes bury alive ? ? 您的位置:網站採集-網頁採集技術>生活>美容/塑身>祛斑/祛痘>18歲男,臉上粉刺痘痘黑頭白頭痘印痘坑,咋辦??
- He was buried alive in the earthquake. 地震把他活埋了。
- For his beautiful wife had been buried alive. 因為他美麗的妻子被活埋了!
- You wouldn't like to be buried alive. 你不會喜歡被人活埋。
- They were buried alive by the enemies. 他們被敵人活埋了。
- I wouldn't like to be buried alive. 我不願意退隱。
- Taphephobia is the fear of being buried alive! 活埋恐懼症是對活生生的被埋葬的害怕!
- The miners were buried alive when the tunnel collapsed. 礦坑坍塌時,礦工被活活埋在裡面了。
- They were finally subdued and buried alive under Mount Aetna. 後來他們都被打敗了並被活埋在埃特納山下。
- If you don't stay on your toes, you'll get buried alive. 如果不警惕,你會被活埋。
- There are still hundreds of people buried alive under the rubble. 還有好幾百人在瓦礫堆下被活埋.
- Many people are still buried alive after the earthquake. 在地震過後; 仍有很多人被活生生埋著.
- He is taken back to the dungeon having sentenced to be buried alive. 最後,他被帶回地牢,判處生葬之刑。
- Some of the dogs died of strappado and billy, A lot of dogs were buried alive!! 拜託大家了,真的真的真的為自己的寶貝作點兒事兒吧!!!真好!!謝謝你!!
- In some rural areas girl babies have been reported to be killed immediately after birth - strangled, suffocated or buried alive. 據報到,在一些遙遠的山區,小女孩在出生后就被殺死,扼殺,悶死或者活埋。
- Earthquake of Sichuan of China, the school collapses, students suffer from burying alive. 中國四川地震;學校倒塌;學生慘遭活埋.
- Shoulders facing the street exposes to the public;Brutal randomly is clubbed dies;Or is buried alive by the collective! 而一個國家能在當街做出如此殘暴的血腥事件,簡直就是駭人聽聞!