- Only then summer burning hot and passing recollection . 只有夏天的炎熱及過往的回憶.
- Beijing summers are very hot and rainy while winters in Beijing are dry, cold and snowy. 北京的夏天酷熱,雨多,冬天乾燥,寒冷,多雪。while是表示轉折的連詞用於連接句子。
- Samoa's climate is sultry, alternately sunny and rainy, but always hot and humid. 薩摩亞氣候悶熱,陽光和雨交替,但始終炎熱潮濕。
- Cactus grows in the desert of America, Africa and half desert area originally, the structure that burning hot and arid environment makes it changed oneself and grow means. 仙人掌原本生長在美洲、非洲的沙漠和半沙漠地區,炎熱而乾旱的環境使它改變了自身的結構和生長方式。
- Hot and cold are contrary terms. 熱與冷是相反的詞語。
- When the wind stops, from the hot and burning sky. 流火之空,屏向之風。
- I met him in a hot and breathless afternoon. 我是在一個又悶又熱的下午遇到他的。
- It's not always nice and sunny in miami, sometimes cloudy and rainy. 邁阿密的氣候並非總是晴空麗日,有時也有陰天下雨的時候。
- He got it hot and strong from his father. 他挨了父親一頓訓責。
- It was a beast of a day, bleak, cold, and rainy. 冷風凄雨,天氣惡劣。
- He was hot and tired and his head was swimming. 他又熱又累,頭直發暈。
- June was dominated by cloudy and rainy weather. 六月受多雲及有雨天氣影響。
- Hot and perspiring, he toiled up the dusty ascent. 他艱難地在塵土飛揚的坡道上爬著,熱得汗水淋淋。
- The weather continued windy and rainy. 天氣仍持續颳風颳風、下雨。
- The earth, scorched by the sun, was burning hot. 太陽烤得大地火辣辣的。
- That was a beast of a day, bleak, cold and rainy. 那是一個可惡的日子,凄涼陰冷而且下著雨。
- The land was roasting under the burning hot sun. 陽光熱辣辣地炙烤著大地。
- The night turned out cold and rainy. 那個晚上結果是寒冷且下雨。
- The day was warm, autumnal, and rainy. 時值溫和的細雨濛濛的秋天。
- He gets very hot and bothered when politics are discussed. 當討論到政治問題時,他變得異常激動。