- What herders lack is a change of their business ideas and their business style. 牧民們缺少的正是這種經營理念和方式方法的改變。
- Bureaucrat business took the North Dynasties commodity trade to develope, and changed traditional business content.It had enormous influence on that time's economy. 官僚的普遍經商,促進了北朝商品經濟的發展,同時也使傳統的商業內容發生了某些變化,對當時社會經濟產生了重大的影響。
- These are our thoughts, and you will have to decide as you work your way through the checklist whether they match your business style and environment. 這些只是我們的想法,如果符合你企業的經營風格和環境,就可以按照你自己的方式加以運用。
- All proved that made no progress, though bureaucrat business taking the North Dynasties commodity trade de veloped to a certain degree, the action of negative was bigger than that of positive role. 這一切證明官僚經商雖然在一定程度上推動了整個社會商業的發展,但並不是歷史的進步,它帶來的消極面遠遠超過其積極作用。
- For our flexible and competent business style, team work spirit, strong technical power, We are self-confident for opportinuty and chellenge in the new century! 公司將憑藉穩健靈活的經營作風,團結誠信協作精神,雄厚的技術實力,迎接充滿機遇與挑戰的新時代!
- Business Style: direct and indirect exportation, agency , cooperative business, processing on the imported materials, processing and buying and selling business. 經營方式:直接出口,代理出口,合作出口,來料加工,生產加工及購銷業務。
- Devoted to the mutual-beneficial system of customers, staffs and enterprise to form the honest, pragmatic and forward-looking business style, striding towards the sustainable business of the enterprise. 致力於客戶、員工和企業的互惠體系,塑造以誠信、務實及前瞻的經營風格,朝企業永續經營邁進。
- Americans on the east and west coasts have strik-ingly different business styles. 東西部沿岸的美國人工作方式極其不同。
- The firm will go under unless business improves. 生意若無起色,公司非垮不可。
- The business is owned by two partners. 這家商行為兩名合伙人所擁有。
- A maze of bureaucratic and legalistic complexities. 官僚主義與墨守成規混雜成一團糟
- Historical Observation about Bureaucrat Business of the North Dynasties 北朝時期官僚經商的歷史考察
- The bureaucratic style of work must be dropped. 衙門作風必須拋棄。
- A four-to-seven-year-old does as much paperwork as any bureaucrat. 一個四至七歲的孩子所做的書面作業和任何一個官僚所做的一樣多。
- Inefficient bureaucratic administrations would be phased out. 低效的官僚管理體制將會逐漸廢除。
- Moving house is a vexatious business. 搬家是件麻煩的事情。
- It is necessary to get rid of bureaucratic practices. 必須清除官僚習氣。
- The Wall Street Journal Guide to Business Style and Usage 商務文書風格及用法指南
- A high government official or bureaucrat. 官員職位較高的政府官員或官僚
- Participation in tender is in our line of business. 參加投標屬於我們的業務範圍。