- Can help one stand tall and aim far, broaden one's vision and give full play to one's intelligence and wisdom on the broad arena of the modernization drive. 站的高看的遠,開擴自己的視野,在現代化建設的大舞台上充分發揮個人才智。
- Stand tall and aim far, broaden one's vision and give full play to one's intelligence and wisdom on the broad arena of reform, opening-up and the modernization drive. 站的高看的遠,開擴自己的視野,在改革開放和現代化。
- Broaden one's scope of knowledge and widen one's horizon. 拓寬知識面和開拓視野。
- GDV's vision is to deliver "Simple Pleasures" to wine enthusiasts. GDV的願景是「簡單的樂趣」的葡萄酒愛好者。
- Besides that, it also provides educational function.Through education, it expends one』s vision and knowledge, and it provides more positive participation in both brain and body. 而在教育的體驗中,教育需要客體更多的積极參与,要確實擴展一個人的視野、增加他的知識,教育必須積極使用大腦和身體。
- At Ford,we believe that the PRC's vision of the family car provides that unity. 福特公司認為,中國家用小汽車的理想能提供這樣一個統一體。
- Reading extensively can broaden one's mind, which in turn makes one more interested in reading. 博覽群書會開闊人的視野,反過來又會使人對讀書更感興趣。
- The middle ones are for delighting, intelligent materials, they more or less can open up one's eyes and broaden one's horizon. 中間則是些趣味性﹑知識性的東西,多多少少可以開眼界﹑廣見聞。
- widen one's breadth of vision; broaden one's outlook [horizon] 開闊眼界
- MFF President Pinchinnyam Amarjargal is hoping AFC's Vision Asia programme can help. 蒙古足協主席PinchinnyamAmarjargal希望亞足聯的亞洲展望計劃能夠帶來一些幫助。
- The inauguration ceremony marked a new page in the history of DDM, and gave the general public a deeper understanding of DDM's vision. 法鼓山開山落成大典,為法鼓山紀元開創新的一頁,也讓社會大眾對法鼓山的理念有更深一層的認識。
- They complimented each other well, but without Gates what is Ballmer』s vision for the company and the computing industry? 他們相互稱讚對方,但沒了蓋茨之後,鮑爾默給公司和計算機產業描繪的願景又在哪裡呢?
- The article describles the method of realizing assembly robot s vision from the aspect of image acquisition?image process and image comprehension. 介紹了從圖像獲取、圖像處理、圖像理解等幾個方面去實現具有視覺功能裝配機器人的方法。
- AEF's vision is to play a part in the Transformation ofTaiwan, so it canrealize the part in the global revival that God has destinedTaiwan to play. AEF的異象是,在台灣的轉型當中有所貢獻及影響,進而實現上帝定意台灣在全球屬靈復興當中應有的發揮。
- Reading not only makes one knowledgeable but broadens one's horizons as well. 閱讀不僅增進一個人的知識也擴展他的見識。
- No doubt much of this speculation about the future of the phone will prove to be as misguided as AT&T's vision of the Picturephone back in 1964. 電話可能改變人們使用其它東西的方式,也能改變人們與別人溝通的方式。
- widen one's field of vision; broaden one's horizon 擴大眼界
- The aim of this study is to enlarge teacher』s vision ,to fing out new visual angle , and to offer fresh teaching methods. 運用相應的教學策略設計出培養以上四種智力的典型案例並加以實踐。
- The open architecture design gives it flexibility that is in line with the Navy』s vision for a common, interoperable allied fleet. 這種開放式體系結構的設計使得該產品具有很好的適應性,可以與盟軍的艦隊實現互操作。
- to broaden one's outlook or horizon 大開眼界