- When you mobilise the strength cap is lifted and the unit can be reinforced back up to full strength, and behave just like regular units. 當你動員時這個值會提高並且最終使你能夠將你的部隊增援到滿編的狀態,達到和常備師一樣的水準。
- We must bring the police force up to (full) strength. 我們必須讓警察人數達到(全部)編製所需的數量。
- His work in maths needs to be brought up to the standard of the others. 他的數學功課需要趕上別人的水平。
- This pplayer was brought up to the major league. 這位運動員被上調到職業體協。
- The book has been revised and brought up to date. 那本書已經過修訂並且更新了內容。
- The book has revised and brought up to date. 這本書已經修訂並使其內容更新。
- We have been brought up to fear insects. 我們自幼就在對昆蟲的懼怕中長大。
- You will come to your last resting-place in full strength, as the grain is taken up to the crushing-floor in its time. 這理我們已經考察、本是如此.你須要聽、要知道是與自己有益。
- We were brought up to be respectful of authority. 我們從小就學會了尊重權威。
- They were brought up to respect the old. 他們從小就被教導尊敬老人。
- Children should be brought up to have good manners. 應教育孩子懂禮貌。
- We were brought up to respect the elderly. 我們受到的教育是要尊敬老人。
- We were brought up to respect the old. 我們被教導要尊敬老人。
- All the equipment has to be brought up to date. 所有裝備必須予以更新。
- I want to be brought up to speed this afternoon. 今天下午我要知道最新的進展。
- The act or an instance of bringing up to date. 更新的行為或事例。
- He was brought up to court with a subpoena. 他接到傳訊,來到法庭上。
- Nothing gave her more pleasure than to see her children brought up to be useful citizens of the country. 沒有什麼比看見她的孩子們被培養成對國家有用的公民更使他高興的了。
- We must bring our militia battalion up to strength. 我們必須充實民兵營,使之達到規定人數。
- "We have to think about what we want to do," said Southgate. "He needs a period of training to get up to full fitness. 索斯蓋特說:「我們不得不考慮我們的長遠目標,他現在需要一段時間去訓練以完全適應這裡。」