- The excruciating beauty of the language! The beauty of it brings tears to one's eyes. 文詞之美使人心痛。
- The memory of his dead mother bring tear to his eyes. 他憶起去世的母親便熱淚盈眶。
- The beauty of the music brought tears to her eyes. 優美的音樂使她眼中充滿淚花。
- His rendition brought tears to my eyes. 他的演唱使我傷心落淚。
- The old song always brought tears to my eyes. 那首老歌總是讓我傷感得流淚。
- The bad news brought tears to his eyes. 壞消息使他不禁流下了眼淚。
- The bad smell brought tears to my eyes. 這難聞的味道使得我眼淚直流。
- The sad news brought tears to her eyes . 噩耗使她不禁流淚。
- The sad news brought tears to her eyes. 惡耗使她不禁流淚。
- The smoke brought tears to my eyes. 我被煙熏得直流眼淚。
- bring tears to one's eyes 使人掉淚
- The sad news brought tears to his eyes,ie made him cry. 他得知這一不幸的消息,眼淚奪眶而出。
- Thusly, their short period of existence is enough to bring tears to our eyes. 相比之下,她們的存在時間,更是短得令人落淚。
- Or would seeing strips torn off the canvas of Botticelli』s Venus bring tears to your eyes? 波堤切利的維納斯畫像被一條條撕裂的場面會讓你傷心落淚嗎?
- An exhilarating orchestral crescendo can bring tears to our eyes and send shivers down our spines. 激昂的交響樂逐漸推向高潮,令人熱淚盈眶,脊梁骨好像通了電流,身子震顫不已;
- The news brought tears to his eyes (= made him cry). 這個消息使他不禁流下淚來。
- It was Mama's pitiful weeping that brought tears to my eyes. 我倒是為媽媽哭得可憐而也落了淚。
- The memory of her dead mother brought tears to her eyes. 她一想起死去的母親就會落淚。
- The pathos of the situation brought tears to our eyes. 情況令人憐憫,看得我們不禁流淚。
- The sad news brought tears to his eyes, ie made him cry. 他得知這一不幸的消息,眼淚奪眶而出。