- They used to breed fish in the reservoir. 他們過去一直在水庫養魚。
- They breed fish in the reservoir. 他們在水庫養魚。
- The really fun part is breeding fish. 真正有趣的部分是繁育魚類。
- They breed fish in the reservoir . 他們在水庫中養魚。
- Where there is water nearby, make a special effort to breed fish. 守著水的地方要多養魚。
- It is forbidden to occupy basic farmland to develop horticulture or dig ponds to breed fish. 禁止佔用基本農田發展林果業和挖塘養魚。
- Ecological pattern on the breeding fish in high water level above land in Dafeng coastal beach. 大豐市沿海灘涂大匡圍高水體養殖生態模式研究。
- He took pleasure in growing flowers and breeding fish every day and never got tired. 他每天栽花、養魚,樂此不疲。
- Osmanli aquiculture, main in the past give priority to in order to breed fish of the carp of fresh water, trout. 土耳其的水產養殖,過去主要以養殖淡水的鯉魚、鱒魚類為主。
- Fishery water bodies" means those parts of water bodies designated for the spawning, feeding, wintering or migratory passage of fish or shrimp, and for breeding fish, shrimp or shellfish or growing algae. (五)漁業水體」是指劃定的魚蝦類的產卵場、餌場、冬場、游通道和魚蝦貝藻類的養殖場。
- "Fishery water bodies" means those parts of water bodies designated for the spawning, feeding, wintering or migratory passage of fish or shrimp, and for breeding fish, shrimp or shellfish or growing algae. (五)「漁業水體」是指劃定的魚蝦類的產卵場、索餌場、越冬場、回遊通道和魚蝦貝藻類的養殖場。
- Fish were surfacing to catch insects. 魚浮到水面上捕捉昆蟲。
- brood fish breeding 親本培育
- The islanders are a strong breed of people. 這些島上的居民是一種體格強壯的人。
- Stock a pond with fish; Breed fish in a pond 在池塘里放養魚兒
- Of this breed we can make short shrift. 這個品種,我們能很快解決。
- She was trying hard to disgorge a fish bone. 她拚命想把魚刺吐出來。
- Spaniel is a breed of dog with large ears. 西班牙獵狗是一種長著大耳朵的獵狗。
- spawning pond A small pond specially designed for natural spawning by brood fish in aquaculture. 產卵池一種特別為水產養殖產卵魚自然產卵所設計的小池塘。
- Fish doesn't go well with mutton. 魚和羊肉在一起不好吃。