- A good night''s rest will set you right. 酣睡一夜將使你的精神得到恢復。
- It isn't good for one to lie and Break one's word. 一個人說謊失信是不好的。
- Two office workers were chatting during the lunch break one day. 一天,公司的兩個職員在午餐休息時間閑聊。
- Then untying the fagot, she gave them the sticks to break one by one. 接著她解了捆,一根一根地給他們折,
- The handle of the ax broke one day. 有一天斧柄斷了。
- After a good night』s rest, we headed back up the Hummingbird Highway with nothing in particular planned for the day. 蔡英文最近來華府演講、拜訪議員。很多民進黨員把將來的前途寄讬在她身上。
- If you break one more plate, you will have broken twenty dishes. 如果你再打碎一個盤子,你就已經打二十個餐具了。
- In addition, Deron Williams has the speed and size to slow Tony Parker while the Utah bench will unquestionably outplay the Spurs bench keeping a cap on the Big 3's rest time. 另外,德隆的速度和身體可以限制住帕克的發揮,加之在三駕馬車休息時爵士的替補無疑又會給馬刺狠狠擺一道。
- No more worrying about whether you'll break one part of your database if you make changes somewhere else. 不必再擔心更改資料庫的某一個部分是否會破壞的另一部分。
- There displayed different tortures in all ages, From notorious "rack" to "break one's braincase". 這裡展示了從古至今各種酷刑,從臭名昭著的「拷問台」到「碎腦殼」等,讓人看后毛骨悚然。
- My loves, you know we are mortals. Is it wise to break one's heart for the one who takes her heart away? For time is short. 我的情人們,你知道我們都是凡人。為一個取回她的心的人而心碎,是件聰明的事情么?因為時間是短暫的。
- When publishing a Web site, it is often helpful to break one XML document into several smaller files, which download faster and are more effective. 當我們發布一個網站時,將一個XML文檔分解成幾個較小的文件對於方便下載和提高效率往往會有所幫助。
- There displayed different tortures in all ages, From notorious "rack" to "break one's braincase". It is hair-raising to see the exhibits. 這裡展示了從古至今各種酷刑,從臭名昭著的「拷問台」到「碎腦殼」等,讓人看后毛骨悚然。
- Brothers and sisters should love one another . But yesterday they were fighting with cudgels, trying to break one anothers heads. 兄弟姐妹應該相親相愛。但是昨天他們用木棍打架,都想打破對方的頭。
- Do not mean egoistically by hook and crook harm others to benefit oneself, market economy also is not brought about certainly break one's promise of behavior flush. 利己並不意味著不擇手段損人利己 ,市場經濟也不一定導致失信行為的泛濫。
- On the flip side, perhaps you're not a rich loser, perhaps you're a broke one. 從另一方面來說,你可能並不是一個富裕的失敗者,而是一個一文不名的失敗者。
- "Information filch break one's promise serious already minatory Internet admits act, and server certificate is safeguard network safety is important defend one of mechanisms. 「信息竊取等失信行為已嚴重威脅互聯網發展,而伺服器證書則是保障網路安全的重要防護機制之一。」
- The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的時候,機器偏偏又壞了。
- The drug affects one's power(s) of concentration. 這種葯影響人精神不能集中。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最優秀的跨欄選手之一。