- 他渾身上下全是blue paint.he looks like a blue animal.
- 第六天morning, Blue wolf心想:Now, I am the king of wolves
- 廣義最小二乘估計為BLUE的若干條件Some Conditions which Generalized Least Squares Estimator is BLUE
- 右擊該新的「Blue」文件夾,再單擊「添加新項」。Right-click the new Blue folder, and then click Add New Item.
- 此外注意'blue'和'green'的值在兩個數組中是不同的。Also notice that the values for the keys 'blue' and 'green' differ between the two arrays.
- IBM Blue Pacific是高端超級計算機的一個恰當例子。The IBM Blue Pacific is a good example of the high end of supercomputers.
- 在解決方案資源管理器中,再次右擊該新的「Blue」文件夾,然後單擊「添加新項」。In Solution Explorer, right-click the new Blue folder again, and then click Add New Item.
- 本函數返回一個具有red,green,blue和alpha的鍵名的關聯數組,包含了指定顏色索引的相應的值。This returns an associative array with red, green, blue and alpha keys that contain the appropriate values for the specified color index.
- 例如,如果清除「Red」和「Purple」並返回到「Color」菜單,則此菜單中將只提供「Black」和「Blue」項。For example, if you clear Red and Purple and return to the Color menu, only Black and Blue items will be offered in the menu.
- 該公司的新產品"E-Blue"消字機通過熱處理一次就可將400-500頁A4紙上的用可消字塗色劑印上的字或圖消掉。The company's new "e-Blue" erasing machine uses heat treatment to remove words and images printed with erasable toner on 400 to 500 A4 pages at a time.
- 對已篩選到的人源性抗HBsAg特異性噬菌體抗體基因文庫進行表達研究,將特異性噬粒轉化大腸桿菌XL1-Blue,反覆凍溶法製備可溶性Fab片段。?uman monoclonal antibody Fab fragments that bind to hepatitis B surface antigen(HBsAg) has been generated by using a recombinant phage surface?display expression system. The selected phage infected Escherichim Coli XL1?Blue, the souble Fab fragments was obtained.
- 目的在大腸桿菌XL_1-Blue中表達可溶性的抗HCV非結構蛋白NS_3的人源單鏈可變區抗體(single-chain variable fragment antibody,SCFV)。Objective To express human single-chain variable fragment (ScFv) antibody against non-structural protein 3 (NS_3) of hepatitis C virus in E. colt.
- 「雙肌」肉牛品種比利時藍(Belgian Blue)和皮德蒙特(Piedmontese)分別是由於MSTN3』保守的生物活性區11bp的缺失和保守鹼基的點突變所造成的;Double-muscled phenotype of Belgian Blue and Piedmontese beef cattle was caused by mutation of 11bp deletion and substitution of conserved base in bioactive region of myostatin gene(MSTN).
- 方法用Hitrap Blue層析柱去除血清中白蛋白,用U9對血清樣品進行變性處理,採用改進后的方法(0.1%甲醇,0.5%三氯乙酸,0.1%考馬斯亮藍G250)進行染色。Methods The human serum albumin was removed by Hitrap Blue column,and serum was dealed with U9.Then gel was stained by the improved method(0.1%25 carbinol,0.5%25 TCA,0.1%25Coomassie briliant blue G250).
- 本文根據純種八眉、關中黑和巴克夏豬及以八眉、關中黑為母本,杜洛克、長白、巴克夏為父本的二三元雜交豬的3次肥育試驗資料(N=144),應用BLUE法,研究雜交親本配合力的估計。According to the data of three fatteniag experiments (N=144) with Bamei /Guan zhong Black and Berkshire as well as two and three-way crossbred pigs produced from matigu among the Banaei and Guanzhong Black breeds as the female pareat liaes and Duroc/Landr-ace and Berkshire as the male parent lines, the combining ability of crossing parents were estimated by BLUE.
- 通過比較Tail Drop、RED、BLUE、 SFB等幾種演算法的優缺點來說明擁塞控制演算法的發展與改進,以便於應用人員在不同的網路環境中運用更合理的擁塞控制演算法來優化網路傳輸性能。Advantage and disadvantage comparison among several kinds of algorithms such as Tai Drop, RED, BLUE, SFB gives a description of development and enhancement of congestion control algorithms so as for users to use more reasonable congestion control algorithms under different network environments to optimise the performance of network transmission.