- And the shape of breast is good.Conclusion:The reconstructive breast with TRAM is bigger than normal and is easy to shape. 結論:恥區TRAM皮瓣再造的乳房體積大,容易塑形,形態滿意,且同時具有腹部減肥的優點。
- Fit in with expectation.About contour tone, patient』s A2(by method of TTA) bigger than normal one, and patient』s ROT(also by method of TTA) smaller than normal one. 在曲折調方面,患者聲調曲折夾角A2大於常人,患者聲調夾角兩邊比ROT小於常人。
- Bamboo charcoal has super adsorb ability. intestine holedistributing wide, every gramme intestine hole area higher than 300square meter, like a basketball court, far bigger than normal charcoal. 竹炭具有超強的吸附能力---竹炭內部的孔隙分佈極廣,每公克內部的表面積高達300平方公尺以上,約相當於一座籃球場的面積,遠遠大於木炭。
- The house is rather bigger than we thought. 這所房子比我們想的大得多。
- Your house is much bigger than ours. 你們的房子比我們的大多了。
- Our room is much bigger than theirs. 我們的房間比他們的大多了。
- She is a little girl no bigger than yourself. 她是個不比你大的小女孩。
- Oversize book Books much larger than normal. 特大書籍比普通書籍大很多的書。
- The minute hand is bigger than the hour hand. 分針比時針長。
- May continued to be wetter than normal. 五月持續較正常多雨。
- His cake is three times bigger than mine. 他的蛋糕比我的大三倍。
- CC - larger than Normal axial clearance. CC軸向游隙大於普通組。
- The factory has spread 5 times bigger than before. 該廠已擴展至原來的5倍。
- Oversize book: Books much larger than normal. 特大書籍:比普通書籍大很多的書。
- Of less than normal or sufficient size. 小於正常的或足夠的尺寸的
- His eyes are bigger than his belly. 他眼饞肚飽。
- The month was also sunnier than normal. 本月陽光亦較正常充沛。
- Gorilla is bigger than chimpanzee. 大猩猩比黑猩猩大。
- Your watermelon is three times bigger than mine. 你的西瓜比我的大三倍。
- Beds of less than normal density are slightly uplifted. 低於平均密度的地面微微隆起。