- But even as he collected his best director award, with his tie askew and his hair dishevelled, it was clear that Peter Jackson is no ordinary Hollywood hero - and never has been. 但即使當他上台領取他的(奧斯卡)「最佳導演」的時候,他那歪斜的領帶和亂散的頭髮,清楚表明彼得.;傑克遜不屬於普通的荷里活的英雄,而且從來沒有成為過。
- Xu won international acclaim when she won the best director award for "Letter From An Unknown Woman" at the 2004 San Sebastian International Film Festival in Spain. 2004年,徐靜蕾憑藉影片《一個陌生女人的來信》獲西班牙聖塞巴斯蒂安國際電影節最佳導演獎,從而贏得國際聲譽。
- Edward Zwick (Winner of the National Board of Review's Best Director Award) directs this sweeping and emotional epic tale of the birth of modern Japan. 由艾活史域(美國影評人協會最佳導演)執導的史詩式故事,將現代日本的誕生以感性一面盡現銀幕。
- In a interview after the event, Jay even half laughingly joked that Liu Wei Qiang is disappointed after losing to Gu Qi Feng the 「Best Director」 award. 會後接受採訪時,周杰倫半開玩笑地表示,劉偉強對於輸給杜琪峰、沒有拿到最佳導演獎很失望。
- Of course that includes the best films and best director awards. 當然這包括了最佳影片及最佳導演獎了。
- Cheung Kwok Man, MFA 2006 graduate, was awarded the Best Director Award in the 14th Beijing University Student Short Film Festival. 張國文校友製作的短片《瘟渡》於第14屆北京大學生電影節短片大賽中榮獲最佳導演獎。張國文為2006年電影電視與數碼媒體藝術(製作)碩士畢業生。
- Who do you think should win the Academy Award for Best Director this year? 你認為今年誰會獲得奧斯卡最佳導演獎?
- Jay wants to get the MV director award, but Machi won't let him! 第17屆金曲獎開跑!周杰倫想奪MV導演獎麻吉不想讓!
- Academy Award Nominations including best picture, best director, best adapted screenplay! 獲奧斯卡金像獎10項提名,其中包括最佳影片、最佳導演和最佳改編劇本獎。
- The man behind the movie, Danny Boyle, was named best director. 最佳導演則是這部片子的導演丹尼.;玻勒
- Several other well-received films followed, including the nasty," Greed is good" flick Wall Street, and a somber Tom Cruise film, Born on the Fourth of July, for which Stone received his second Best Director Academy Award. 斯通進入了紐約州立大學,跟隨馬丁·科西斯學習電影創作,並開始寫電影劇本,開始了他的電影生涯。
- Casablanca won three Oscars best picture,best director and best screenplay. 卡薩布蘭卡獲得三項奧斯卡金像獎:最佳影片、最佳導演和最佳劇本。
- Several other well-received films followed, including the nasty, "Greed is good" flick Wall Street, and a somber Tom Cruise film, Born on the Fourth of July, for which Stone received his second Best Director Academy Award. 斯通進入了紐約州立大學,跟隨馬丁·斯科西斯學習電影創作,並開始寫電影劇本,開始了他的電影生涯。
- The film picked up awards for best director and best original score. 這部影片獲最佳導演獎和最佳原創音樂獎。
- Stanley Kubrick s cosmic metaphor of human evolution is a stunning visual achievement. Four Academy Award Nominations including Best Director, Best Original Story and Screenplay, and Best Special Visual Effects. 庫布里克關於人類進化的宇宙比喻是令人眩暈的視覺成就。獲得四項奧斯卡獎,包括最佳導演、佳原創劇本、佳視覺特效。
- CASABLANCA won three Oscars best picture, best director and best screenplay. 卡薩布蘭卡獲得三項奧斯卡金像獎:最佳影片、最佳導演和最佳劇本。
- The best actress award goes to Emilia Vasaryova for her performance in Czech Republic's film of "Vaclav," and the best director goes to Maris Martinsons from Lithuania for directing the film of "Loss. 最佳女演員的桂冠由主演捷克斯洛伐克影片"空虛"的艾米麗婭-瓦薩約娃摘得。最佳導演獎由導演影片「迷失」的來自立陶宛的馬里斯-馬丁松斯獲得。
- The DGA awards are a key stop on the road to the Oscars, the world's top film awards, because DGA winners have a history of going on to win the Academy Award for best director. 美國導演工會獎也是世界頂級電影表彰奧斯卡獎的風向標之一。縱觀過往歷史,美國導演工會獎的獲獎者有很大幾率去摘取最佳導演獎的小金人。
- Oscar best director Ang Lee has cast him in his upcoming spy thriller,」 Lust, Caution. 奧斯卡最佳導演李安邀請他在他即將開拍的偵探驚悚片《色戒》中擔任演員。
- Chicago received thirteen nominations, including Best Picture, Best Actress, and Best Director. 共13項,包括最佳影片、最佳女主角和最佳導演獎。