- She bent over backwards to show it. 她拚命把它顯露出來。
- She bend over backwards to show it. 她拚命把他顯露出來。
- Martin bent over him, agonized to see how swollen his face was. 馬丁俯下身子,看到他的臉這樣腫,非常難過。
- He bent over and picked up a silver coin. 他彎腰拾起一枚銀幣。
- Her head was bent over her book. 她埋頭讀書。
- He bent over her and kissed her repeatedly. 他朝她彎下身去不停地吻著她。
- The two admirals bent over the chart. 兩位將軍伏在航海圖上。
- As I bent over, my fountain pen fell to the ground. 我一哈腰把鋼筆掉在地上了。
- As I bent over,my fountain pen fell to the ground. 我一哈腰把鋼筆掉在地上了。
- When he bent over ,he split his pant . 他一彎腰就把褲襠裂開了。
- When he bent over,he split his pant. 他一彎腰就把褲襠裂開了。
- I've bent over backwards to help him. 我已盡最大努力幫助他。
- In disbelief I bent over for a closer look. 我簡直不敢相信,於是低下頭去看個仔細。
- She was bent over her desk writing a letter. 她正伏案寫信。
- I bent over backwards to please her. 是說"極力討好她"的意思。
- The doctor bent over the sick child. 醫生俯身察看患病孩子的病情。
- She bent over and kissed him again. 她再度彎下身來吻著他。
- You can iterate over rows and add new rows. 您可以在行中遍歷,也可以添加新行。
- I slipped in softly and bent over him. 我悄聲沒息地溜進去,彎下腰去瞅他。
- We bent over backward to help them. 我們盡了最大努力幫助他們。