- Analysis and Calculation of Higher Order Spheric Aberrations in Glaser's Bell Shaped Magnetic Lens 鐘形磁場高階球差的分析與計算
- Pears have a distinctive bell shape. 梨具有與眾不同的鐘形。
- Production rises, peaks and falls in a bell shaped curve. 產量不斷升高、到達頂峰,然後下降,呈鐘形曲線。
- Corollaceous white or pink, form of bell shape canister. 花冠白色或粉紅色,鍾狀筒形。
- Even edge, consistent rolls, no bell shape rolls, maximum one seam per roll. 切邊完好,卷裝筐齊,無喇叭狀,每卷允許拼接一次。
- Fume hood shall be designed to minimize static pressure loss. Bell shaped exhaust collar configuration shall be provided. 通風櫃的設計要減少靜壓損失。因此一般在排氣口附件採用鍾型設計。
- Lilies are beautiful fragrant herbs[1] with showy funnel shaped or bell shaped flowers. 百合花是美麗芬芳的草本植物,有著艷麗的漏斗型或是鍾型的花朵。
- As n increases, the vertical lines not only become more numerous but also tend to bunch up together to form a bell shape. 當n增加時,不僅垂線愈來愈近,而且趨向於鐘形曲形。
- Exact bell shaped solitary solutions for the generalized KdV and mKdV equations with variable coefficients are obtained by the use of truncated expansion method and extended homogeneous balance method. 利用截斷展開法和延拓齊次平衡法同時求出了廣義變係數KdV方程和廣義變係數mKdV方程的精確鍾狀類孤子解 .
- Gel scan curve showed that the value of h1/h2 was greater than 3 in all the 65 cases with IgH gene rearranged. In the 8 benign lymphoid tissue cases showed h1/h2<1 5, 5 cases with normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells showed a bell shaped curve. (2 )凝膠掃描曲線示 6 5例B NHL的h1/h2均〉3;而 5例正常人外周血單核細胞曲線均表現為鍾型 ;8例良性病變淋巴組織h1/h2比值均 <1 5。
- We can customize products according to users'requirements: disk, cylinder, quadratic form, ring, sector and some other special shaped magnets. 各種材料製成的圓片、圓柱、方、環、扇、異等形狀系列永磁元件。
- The church bell tolled the hour. 教堂的鳴鐘報時。
- We are making "good" use of the "bcc" function of emails to desseminate information.Gradings of performance reviews are of standard distribution i.e. the bell shape curve, among the whole department. 我也不算懶惰,就趁周六加緊運動,早點起床,踩了四十五分鐘機,再跳了兩場舞(一場是地的,一場板,勞累的動作也盡量偷偷的在地上做,還是小心點好!)
- triple petticoat bell shaped insulator 三裙碗式絕緣子
- bell shaped suspension insulator 碗形懸挂絕緣子
- The bell tower is the emblem of this city. 這座鐘樓是這個城市的象徵。
- There is a sonorous bell in the tower. 塔里有一口洪亮的鐘。
- John bears the bell in all track events at school. 約翰在學校里的各個徑賽項目中都贏得第一名。
- Marvin Bell is greatly valued as a good poet. 馬文·貝爾被尊為一位優秀的詩人。
- The economy should be shaped to a new pattern. 經濟應該適合於一種新的模式。