- Pinioned by the press of men around them, they were unable to move. 周圍的人群擠壓著他們,使他們動彈不得。
- Pinion by the press of men around them, they are unable to move. 周圍的人群擠壓著他們,使他們動彈不得。
- Pinion by the press of men around them,they are unable to move. 周圍的人群擠壓著他們,使他們動彈不得。
- If you are unable to move on this, we'll have to cancel the order. 如果你不能對此採取行動的話,我們就不得不取消訂單了。
- Pesters repeatedly sadly, I am unable to move aside. 憂傷反覆糾纏,我無法躲閃。
- These stars appear to move around the North Star. 這些星星似乎環繞著北極星轉。
- Spindle-shanks, too hoarse to speak, signed that she was unable to move and begged to be let off. 「蘆柴棒」的喉嚨早已啞了,用手做著手勢,表示沒有力氣,請求他的憐憫。
- Being at a standstill; unable to move. 靜止的;無法運動的。
- She was so angry as to be unable to speak. 她氣得連話都說不出來了。
- The implant is the latest advance by scientists trying to perfect a link between mind and machine in the hope that thousands of patients who are unable to move or speak can resume communication with the world around them. 這種新的植入物是最新的研究成果。科學家們通過研究,試圖把思維和機器完善地聯接起來,從而幫助成千上萬喪失了活動能力和說話能力的病人重新與外界交流。
- Tarr told the woman that he was turning around when he got stuck in ice on her driveway, and asked her to back the car while he pushed.The woman complied, but also was unable to move the car. 正當他抓耳撓腮之際,恰逢女主人返家,該男子僥倖心起,謊稱車子在轉向時凍結在路面,並請求該女子在他推車的時候幫他倒車,女子答應了他的請求,但汽車卻紋絲未動。
- For certain reasons I will be unable to attend the meeting. 因為某種原因,我不能出席這次會議。
- Mrs Biggs is ill and will be unable to take you today. 比格斯夫人病了,今天不能給你們上課了。
- The jury are unable to reach a unanimous decision. 陪審團未能達成意見一致的裁決。
- The firemen were unable to control the blaze. 消防隊員無法控制這場大火。
- They were petrified with fear(= so frightened that they were unable to move or think). 他們都嚇呆了。
- Now unimpeded, the cells can begin to move around. 由於不再受阻,細胞便開始爬動。
- She was unable to get to grips with her assailant. 她無力與襲擊她的人扭打。
- There is no room to move around. 地方太小,倒不開身。
- He had to be sold out and was unable to make a fresh beginning. 他不得不傾家蕩產,無法重新開始了。