- An arcane prankster uses grease spells to bedevil working folk. 47. 一個頑皮的奧術施法者使用油膩術跟在他周圍工作的人開玩笑。
- If it backfires, it could bedevil efforts to contain public spending. 若計劃遭遇不測,為控制政府開支所做的努力將功虧一簣。
- It's a pity he should be allowed to go on bedeviling the town in this fashion. 很遺憾,大家竟容他在本市這樣繼續搗亂下去。
- Keeping those promises will soon start to bedevil the administration. 想要信守這些承諾很快就會使政府陷入困境。
- Debugging problems due to pointer errors bedevil even experienced programmers. 而由指針錯誤引起的調試問題連富有經驗的程序員都感到頭疼。
- The economics have changed forever, and I suspect these kinds of sites will bedevil traditional media organizations. 經濟已經永遠地改變了,並且我懷疑這些站點將困擾傳統媒體組織。
- Today, however, Japanese electronics is emblematic of the problems bedeviling the country's business (see article). 然而,今天,日本的電器已經是國家經濟困惑的標誌。
- Indeed, it is arguably one of the biggest problems bedevilling the developed world today. 實際上,這可以說是如今困擾發達國家最重要的問題之一。
- It also is the latest force to bedevil Californians, who in recent years have endured an energy crisis, the collapse of the dot-com economy and budget deficits. 加州現在情況不佳,近來曾經受了能源危機、網路經濟崩潰和財政赤字。
- Kurd and Turk, Baghdad Shia and Saudi Arabian Wahhabi have bridged the sectarian rifts that bedevil their homelands. 庫爾德人和土耳其人,巴格達的什葉派和沙烏地阿拉伯的瓦哈比派已經在此消除了困擾他們國家的教派紛爭。
- Around the country, some superstitious mothers-to-be took steps Tuesday to make sure their babies were not born on the most bedeviling of dates, 6-6-6. 美國一些迷信的准媽媽們在周二這一天紛紛採取行動,以確保她們的孩子不會在2006年6月6日--這個最為喪氣的日子出生。
- This year, investors got burned by missing the political risk that has come to bedevil the banking sector. 今年,投資者們引火燒身的原因是沒察覺到已經擾亂了整個銀行業的政治風險。
- One of the oldest problems bedevilling the business is the practice of 「tied aid」 (ie, requiring some of it be spent in the donor country). 援助工作中存在的一個根深蒂固的問題是存在「附帶條件援助」的現象。
- This study points to two factors that bedevil proponents of SSRIs: publication bias and the power of placebos. 研究者認為有兩點可以來解釋這種讓人感到困惑的現象:已公布數據的誤導和安慰劑的作用.
- As you progress along the path of the fey beguiler, you learn an array of methods to move around unseen while bedeviling your foes. 伴隨著你的鬼靈欺詐者之路,你可以輕易地折磨你的敵人。
- Consequently, the question bedevilling regulators is how they might intervene to realign the industry better with the interests of consumers. 所以,困擾監管者的問題就是,他們應如何進行干預,使該行業更有利於消費者。
- The same warped sense of priorities will continue to bedevil us this December in Copenhagen. 而同樣的扭曲理念將繼續於今年12月份在哥本哈根對我們作祟。
- Never in my life have I heard such sheer legal cynicism, such a cold-blooded and calculated attempt to bedevil and evade the law in my life! 我這一輩子還從未聽到過像這樣在法律上玩世不恭,這樣冷酷地,處心積慮地妄圖破壞和逃避法律的行為。
- They commune with infernal intelligences and fey spirits, scour enemies with potent blasts of eldritch power, and bedevil foes with hexing curses. 她們同煉獄中的智慧生物或精界的靈魂溝通,用強力的魔能爆吞噬敵人,或用惡毒的詛咒折磨對手。
- It has provided macroeconomic stability, curbed inflationary pressure and prevented the build-up of the imbalances that bedevil the American economy. 它維持著宏觀經濟的穩定性,抑緩和通貨膨脹的壓力並防止出現像美國那樣因經濟失衡加劇而導致的混亂。