- To become or be capable of becoming removed or detached. 被取(拆)下被取下或拆下或能被取下或拆下
- The locals tend to be suspicious of strangers. 當地人對陌生人往往有戒心。
- To be suspicious, apprehensive, or doubtful. 產生憂慮、擔心或懷疑
- I am suspicious of his intentions. 我懷疑他的用意。
- Do I really hear someone come in, or be it only a fancy? 我是真聽到有人進來還是僅僅是幻覺而已?
- I have good reason to be suspicious. 我的懷疑有充分理由。
- Many of them are already collaborators,many have become or are ready to become pro-Japanese,many are vacillating,and only a few,owing to special circumstances,are firmly anti-Japanese. 他們中間,許多人已經是漢奸,許多人已經是親日派,許多人是準備作親日派,許多人在動搖中,僅僅個別有特殊情況的分子是堅決的。
- Many of them are already collaborators, many have become or are ready to become pro-Japanese, many are vacillating, and only a few, owing to special circumstances, are firmly anti-Japanese. 他們中間,許多人已經是漢奸,許多人已經是親日派,許多人是準備作親日派,許多人在動搖中,僅僅個別有特殊情況的分子是堅決的。
- To become or cause to become wrinkled or puckered. 使褶皺成為或使成為皺起來或起皺的
- Shall I begin (ie take the first step or be the first to speak)? 我可以開始說了嗎[可以由我開始嗎]?
- To become or cause to become animated or cheerful. (使)變得容光煥發或振奮
- To become or cause to become distressed or upset. 變得或使痛苦,煩躁
- To erode or be eroded by abrasion. 侵蝕通過磨損而侵蝕或被侵蝕
- Under the circumstances we had every reason to be suspicious. 在那種情況下,我們有理由懷疑。
- To become or make dark or dusky. 變或使變暗或微暗
- Relating to or being an agnostic. 不可知論的不可知論者的或與之有關的
- Roberta began to be suspicious and eventually found out the truth. 羅巴塔起了疑心並終究發現了事實。
- Do you own the house or are you a tenant? 你是擁有這幢房子還是租住的?
- To escape punishment or be acquitted of a charge. 逃脫懲罰,免於起訴
- To become or allow to become unscrewed. 被旋下或可被旋下