- The system file %1 has become corrupt and has been replaced. 系統文件%251已損壞而且已經被替換。
- The newly emerging forces are bound to defeat what is corrupt and degenerate. 新生力量必然戰勝腐朽力量。
- We must strengthen the ideological construction of the Party, stop bureaucratism and becoming corruption and degeneration. 要在思想上加強黨的建設,杜絕官僚主義和腐化墮落。
- Undoubtedly Goering had long since become corrupt and increasingly unnerved. 毫無疑問,戈林早已腐敗了,並且越來越氣餒。
- We must thoroughly investigate and prosecute those who have violated the law and discipline and those who are corrupt and degenerate or have abused power for personal gains. 對那些違法亂紀、以權謀私、貪污腐化的人,必須徹底查處。
- We live plainly and work hard, we take care of the needs of both the army and the people; This is the very opposite of the situation in Chiang Kai-shek's areas, where those at the top are corrupt and degenerate, while the people under them are destitute. 我們是艱苦奮鬥,軍民兼顧,和蔣介石統治區的上面貪污腐化,下面民不聊生,完全相反。
- Plywood is not due degum, become angry and degenerate. 膠合板不應有脫膠、變色和腐朽。
- Yang Cho-tong and Wu Hao, Cheng"s subordinates, gradually became corrupt and violated laws, which irritating Cheng.In order to warn all his follower, Cheng had Yang, Wu and their families decapitated. 鄭氏部將楊朝棟、吳豪等在收復台灣后,漸趨違紀放蕩、貪贓妄法,使得鄭成功極為震怒,嚴加懲處判以滿門抄斬,陳永華等對於鄭成功執法過嚴皆感憂慮。
- Loyal to Endora and the Empire, even though he knows they have become corrupt. 雖然他已明知他所效忠的對象已經變得腐敗、罪惡,但依舊對帝國和茵多拉女王忠心耿耿。
- The system is corrupt and unjust. 這個體制腐敗而無正義。
- RSM database is corrupt and cannot be rebuilt. RSM資料庫已損壞並且不能重新建立。
- He ate up Nietzsche and degenerated into a fascist. 他接受了尼採的思想,墮落成法西斯分子。
- Corruption and crime go hand in hand. 腐敗與犯罪攜手并行。
- If the creators are corrupt, then humans become corrupt. 如果造物者是腐敗的,那麼人類就變得腐敗。
- Chaos and degenerate is the only truth of the universe. 混亂和墮落才是宇宙中唯一的真理"?
- Workbooks sometimes become corrupt for no apparent reason. 工作簿有時沒有明顯原因而損壞。
- Gradually decomposes and degenerate under the light. 遇光慢慢分解變質。
- Now God saw that the whole world was corrupt and full of violence. 上帝看見整個世界腐朽了,到處都是暴力。
- So that you do not become corrupt and make for yourselves an idol, an image of any shape, whether formed like a man or a woman, 惟恐你們敗壞自己,雕刻偶像,彷佛什麽男像女像
- Executable file is corrupt and cannot be initialized. 可執行文件是腐敗,無法初始化。