The old jalopy clanked up the hill. 這輛破舊的汽車哐啷哐啷地爬上了山坡。
She was wearing dark sunglasses and had a tattered coat pulled up to cover most of her face. 她戴著墨鏡,破舊的外套甚至遮住大部分的面龐。
No organization would put up its speaker at a shambles like this. 沒有一個組織會把請來做報告的人放在這樣一個破爛的地方。
When Becky Rohrer rescued an abandoned wreck of a house and lovingly transformed it into a cozy inn, she ended up healing her life as well. 當貝基拯救了一所被廢棄的破爛的老房子並煞費苦心把它變成一個令人舒適愜意的小旅館時,她也修復了她的人生。