- Besides, error curve and error ellipse are analyzed.So, it is shown that error ellipse is inutility, and error curve is useful and effective. 對中樁的誤差曲線和誤差橢圓的分析認為,誤差橢圓無實際意義,誤差曲線實用而有效。
- Through the error curve of pitch and the test result of denotement errors for compound screws micrometer, It's possibility and correcthness of errors synthesis is demonstrated. 通過樣機的螺距誤差實測曲線和測微器示值誤差檢定結果,驗證了它的可行性和示值誤差綜合的正確性。
- On the basis of those formulas,the predicting formulas of the random breakthrough point s errors and the breakthrough error curve are presented at the same time. 推導出了最佳貫通點和橫向貫通誤差的預計公式,並在此基礎上給出了任意點的貫通誤差預計公式及貫通誤差曲線。
- Study on test and fitting of 10% error curve for current transducer 電流互感器10%25誤差特性曲線測繪技術研究
- With this method, the driving error and the change of aptness are analysed on the condition of gear geometrical error and erection error, and the driving error curves and contcact areas are plotted. 隨後選擇了一對斜航式法向圓弧錐齒輪副,模擬分析了在齒輪幾何誤差和安裝誤差的情況下,齒輪副傳動誤差和接觸區域的變化情況,並繪製了傳動誤差曲線和齒面接觸區域。
- It seems so absurd to bear malice after all that. 經過這一切之後還抱有怨恨情緒是很荒謬的。
- The old veteran had a martial bearing. 那老兵具有威武的儀錶。
- Acoustic source location by acoustic vector-sensor and its bearing error 矢量水聽器的源定向理論及其定向誤差分析
- He whipped up a pistol and shot at the black bear. 他急忙抓起手槍,向那頭黑熊射擊。
- I can't bear having a cat in the house. 家中養貓我受不了。
- I can't bear young people casting away their youth. 我無法忍受年輕人虛擲青春。
- Error Curve Fitting of Time Grating Displacement Sensor Based on LabVIEW 基於LabVIEW的場式直線時柵位移感測器誤差曲線擬合
- It was more than flesh and blood could bear. 這是血肉之軀無法忍受的。
- The experimental results bear out our supposition. 實驗結果證實了我們的假設。
- Measurement and application check of current transformer 10% error curve 電流互感器10%25誤差曲線的測試與應用校核
- The nurse will tell you when to bear down. 護士會告訴你分娩過程中什麼時候該用力。
- Using V-A Character Curve to Draws up 10% Error Curve of Current Transformer 電流互感器10%25誤差曲線的計算
- Surely there is a limit to what one can bear. 人的忍耐肯定是有限度的。
- I hope you will bear out what I tell them. 我希望你能證明我和他們講的情況。
- I saw a tombstone bearing the date 1602. 我見到一塊刻有1602年字樣的墓碑。