- Laryngeal yellow, have brunet stain and beard hair. 喉部黃色,有深色斑點和鬚毛。
- This is why Sikh men experience such hair loss - their beard hair is pulled straight and twisted and tightly knotted.It is this daily knotting that leads to traction alopecia. 這也是為什麼部分錫克人常常會經歷脫髮的原因,他們終生不剪頭髮,成年錫克男子一般都將頭髮用布層層圍起,繞成一個像「大磨盤」的頭包,這種對頭髮頻繁的拉拔導致了牽引創傷性脫髮。
- Non-greasy, vitamin-rich oil lifts beard hairs as it cushions skin for a super-close shave. Reduces friction that causes razor burn. Skin feels soft, soothed, protected. Rinses clean. 無油配方,富含維他命,使剃鬚更貼服、順滑,減少肌膚損傷。剃鬚完成後,清水洗凈即可,能使肌膚光滑、柔軟。
- She finds his beard too bristly. 她覺得他的鬍鬚太扎人。
- He's tall with short blond hair and a beard. 他高高的個子,短短的金髮,還留著鬍鬚。
- She had her hair styled at the beauty parlor. 她的頭髮是在美容院做的。
- A religious figure with long hair and beard. 一個留長發蓄長須的宗教人物。
- With his black beard and long black hair. 他的黑鬍鬚和長長的黑髮使他看上去面目猙獰。
- He slicks his hair down with oil every day. 他每天搽油把頭梳得光溜溜的。
- She had her hair bound up in a neckerchief. 她把頭髮用圍巾包起來。
- To my great amusement his false beard fell off. 使我感到極其好笑的是他的假鬍子掉下來了。
- Tom has sprouted a beard since we saw him last. 湯姆長鬍子了,我們上次見到他時還沒長呢。
- Between ourselves, that young man's hair is much too long. 就咱倆之間說說,那小夥子的頭髮實在是太長了。
- The man with a beard looks familiar. 蓄山羊鬍的那個人看上去很面熟。
- He didn't dare to beard his superior. 他不敢公然與上級對抗。
- Long hair for men came in in the sixties. 男子留長發在六十年代流行。
- Money caught up her hair into a bun. 莫尼把頭髮挽成一圓髻。
- Her mother interlaces her hair with ribbons. 母親用緞帶把她的頭髮紮起來。
- A single hair of a beard or mustache. (一根)須一根絡腮鬍或八字鬍的鬍鬚
- Having the beard or hair shaved off. 鬍子或頭髮刮光的