- A man camp up one evening, humping his swag. 傍晚一個男子走過來,背上背著行李包。
- Some of us don't bear up his opinion. 我們有些人不贊成他的觀點。
- Bear up, our troubles will soon blow over. 打起精神來,我們的困難不久就會過去的。
- Bob lit up one of his best Havana. 鮑勃點燃了一隻他最好的哈瓦那煙。
- Bear up, out troubles will blow over in no time. 打起精神來,我們的困難馬上就會消除的。
- I'm sure your watch will turn up one of these days. 我擔保你的手錶准有一天能找到。
- It is strong enough to bear up the weight of the roof. 它很牢固,足以支撐住屋頂的重量。
- The old man can hardly bear up to his family responsibility any more. 這個老人再也擔負不了對自己家庭的責任了。
- Please line up one after another. 請按順序排隊。
- Is it easy to bear up when one is beset with difficulties on all sides? 當一個人四面楚歌時,鼓起勇氣很容易嗎?
- Will this boat bear up under hurricane winds? 這船經得起颶風嗎?
- The team' s spirit sank to zero after its third defeat. 第三次失敗后球隊士氣降至最低點。
- Comrade Lin has been away for three weeks, but he'll land up one of these days. 林同志離開已經三個星期了,但他日內就會來到。
- She bore up well against all these misfortunes. 她在這一切不幸中表現得很堅強。
- Some teachers may say this is not Kong, Ah Q's spirit? 可能有的老師講這不是孔乙己、阿Q的精神嗎?
- He's bearing up well against all his misfortunes. 他以堅強的意志對待他所有的不幸。
- Don't jumble up one question and another. 不要混淆兩個問題。
- What excites me is that God s Spirit, who is also the head and the life of the church, is the one who continuously exercises this authority. 令我感到興奮的原來是主的靈----祂是教會的元首,是教會的生命,是祂掌管著教會不斷發展的主權。
- You should bear up to admit your mistakes. 你應鼓起勇氣去承認自己的錯誤。
- The desk takes up one fourth of the room. 桌子佔據了屋裡1/4的空間。