- She performed on the balance beam with much grace. 她在平衡木上表演得非常優美。
- The beam of the searchlight pierced the darkness. 探照燈的光柱射入黑暗中。
- His answer was right on the beam. 他的答案完全正確。
- He struck the beam with his head. 他的頭撞到樑上了。
- The beam has a thickness of 3 inches. 這根梁厚3英寸。
- Never heard of her. You're off the beam. 我從來沒有聽說過這個人,你搞錯了吧。
- Mind you don't knock your head (on this low beam). 小心,別(讓這根低梁)撞著頭。
- Sighted land off the starboard beam. 轉向右舷方向便望見了陸地
- The gymnast poised herself on the balance beam. 體操運動員在平衡木上保持平衡。
- The load on that beam is more than it will bear. 那根樑上的載重超過了它所能承受的量。
- He greeted me with a beam of joy. 他笑容滿面地迎接我。
- Your calculation is way off beam. 你的計算大錯特錯。
- The vandals threw paint stripper on the car. 汽車遭人惡意破壞,給灑上了脫漆劑。
- As a stripper for various old paints and varnishes. 可用作多種舊油漆和清漆的除漆劑。
- The unemployed worker was on his beam ends with rheumatism. 這個失業工人患了風濕病,經濟十分困難。
- A structural unit, such as a beam or wall. 構材建築物之單位結構,如橫樑或牆
- A beam of sunlight fell on the wall through the window. 陽光透過一扇窗投射到牆面上。
- Please can you lend me twenty pounds? I'm on my beam ends. 請您借給我20英鎊好嗎?我已十分拮据。
- The horizontal beam on a cross or gallows. 橫樑十字架或絞架上的水平橫樑
- The process for renovating acetone stripper system is described. 介紹了丙酮汽提塔系統的工藝改造過程。