- At the dawn of the 21st century, some 1.1 Billion people on Earth are still without access to a safe water supply and over 2.4 Billion are without adequate sanitation. 在21世紀初期,地球上仍然有11億人口無法獲得安全的水源供應,並且超過24億人口缺乏公共衛生設施。
- The empirical evidence for this is observational only, but without access to source code that is all it can be. 這一理論的經驗證據只是觀察得來的,然而接觸不到源代碼,也就能那樣了。
- However, most of the problems cannot be done without access to MATLAB? and special computers. 然而,大部分的問題必須有MATLAB(注)和特殊的計算機才能完成。
- How long can we operate without access to the critical data? 不用訪問這些至關緊要的數據,我們能工作多久?
- World leaders at the United Nations Millennium Summit agreed to halve by 2015 the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water. 世界領袖們在聯合國千年首腦會議上同意在2015年年底前把無法取得衛生飲用水的人口比例降低一半。
- By 2001,the number of those without access to clean water was reduced to 7 million. 到2001年,得不到乾淨水的人數減至700萬人。
- The time spent walking to and from meetings or traveling to see customers is wasted time without access to key information. 員工在參加會議來回的路上和去見客戶的途中無法獲得一些重要信息,因而浪費了寶貴時間。
- Many millions of people live in overcrowded slums and squatter settlements, without access to basic services. 數百萬的人住在擁擠的貧民窟或違章建築區,得不到基本的服務。
- To be without guilt is to be without a conscience. 沒有內疚感就等於沒有良知。
- This could have left large numbers of patients without access to the cancer therapy. 這可能會造成大批患者接受癌症治療。
- Is to be without anxiety about non-perfection. 何慮不畢。
- Also, you can now generate tests from a binary file, without access to product source code. 另外,您現在可以從二進位文件中生成測試,而不必訪問產品源代碼。
- Q.4 May we claim to be without sin? 問題4.;我們可以說自己沒有罪嗎?
- It is impossible to reach appropriate conclusions without access to relevant information . 沒有相關的信息不可能得出合適的結論。
- A manager should be accessible to his staff. 一個管理人員應該讓職員感到平易近人。
- Rural living two days, temporary scholar earthliness trouble hearts without access to family happiness ideas. 兩天住郊區,暫時拋卻塵世煩惱,心無雜念地享受天倫之樂。
- To be without dreams is to be without hope. 不要屏棄夢想,沒有夢想就沒有希望。
- Some rich countries have large populations without access to care because of inequitable arrangements for social protection. 由於不公平的社會保護安排,一些富裕國家有大量人口不能獲得保健。
- Students must have access to a good library. 學生要有使用好圖書館的便利條件。
- I ask you before you play your last card and destroy me, to consider where you will be without me. 在你們還沒有攤出最後一張牌來毀我之前,我請求你們好好想想,沒有我,你們的地位會怎樣。