- I should be able to tell who are wise and who are foolish. 我就可以辨別出誰聰明誰愚蠢。
- Demanding that others be wise and industrious is repellent, but teaching by example is magnanimous. 天理、良心,要求別人是在罵人,若要求自己則是講道。
- We should be true in word and resolute in deed. 我們應該言必信,行必果。
- If only they were wise and would understand this and discern what their end will be! 惟願他們有智慧,能明白這事,肯思念他們的結局。
- They think they are wise and aware and sick and the world outside is corrupt. 他們只覺得自己有眼光、有見識,一百個看不慣,只覺得身外的世界一片污濁。
- The words of his mouth are wicked and deceitful; he has ceased to be wise and to do good. 他口中的言語儘是罪孽詭詐;他與智慧善行已經斷絕。
- Good words and ill deeds deceive wise and fools. 動聽的話和壞行為同樣欺騙聰明和愚人。
- Eg: We must be true in word and resolute in deed. 我們必須是言必信,行必果。
- It will be wise to go over your test paper again. 還是把您的考卷再檢查一遍的好。
- We must be true in word and resolute in deed. 我們必須言必信,行必果。
- You should be bold and resolute. 你應該大刀闊斧。
- In the words of his mouth are evil and deceit; he has given up being wise and doing good. 他口中的言語,儘是罪孽詭詐。他與智慧善行,已經斷絕。
- It is easy to be wise after the event. 事後諸葛亮人人會當。
- Let the Priestess and Priest lead as long as they are able, and their leadership be wise and strong, and to the benefit of the Wicca. 讓女祭司與祭司永續地領導,則他們的領導力會滿有智慧與力量,並對現代巫術帶來利益。
- He has taken courageous and resolute action. 他已經採取了果敢的行動。
- Choose for yourselves men who are wise and prudent and well-attested, according to your tribes, and I will make them your leaders. 13你們要按著支派選出有智慧、精明的人,為眾人所認識的,我就立他們為你們的首領。
- It is impossible to love,and to be wise. 要戀愛而又要明哲是不可能的。
- We must take immediate and resolute action. 我們必須採取堅決果斷的行動。
- Kindness with filial piety,Enthusiam with warmth and love;Being generous with sincereness;Being wise and hardworking with confidence. 心地善良有孝心,熱情開朗有愛心,豁達大度有仁心,聰慧進取有信心。
- Wise and farsighted, firmness, have no be afraid. 睿智、堅定、無所畏懼。