- People like it to be tested and built in. 人們喜歡它被測試而且建造在。
- But these were values only to be tested and known in the future. 但是這些價值只有在將來才能得到印證和了解。
- What you said was tested and we found something false. 你的話經檢驗有假。
- Nonetheless, this is still being tested and is subject to change. 儘管如此,這項技能仍在測試並且是更改的對象。
- Methods 225 Chinese adults were tested with Rorschach test and EPQ. 方法使用艾森克個性問卷(EPQ)和羅夏測驗在225名中國人樣本中進行測試。
- Two of the tasks in your project plan are Test and Release. 項目計劃中的兩個任務為「測試」和「發布」。
- Shall be tested and bugs in the installation process shall be fixed. 應該已經透過測試且安裝過程中的臭蟲都被修復。
- All pit level detection instrumentation to be tested and calibrated. 所有的鑽井液液面監測儀器都要調試好、校對好。
- The lesson is that the multiverse theory can be tested and falsified even though we cannot see the other universes. 這裡我們學到的是,就算我們看不到別的宇宙,多重宇宙理論還是可以被測試與否證的。
- How Effective Are Tests and Interviews as Selection Devices? 如何設計有效的面試與甄選模式?
- Are testing and measuring equipment's properly maintained? 校驗和測試設備是否被恰當地維護了?
- Crichton stated that "The Drake equation cannot be tested and therefore SETI is not science. 對於一般外星生命和幽浮的普遍看法,他也表達了不滿,他指出目前並無外星人存在的決定性證據。
- Many of his theories have been tested and have proved to be accurate. 他的很多理論都已經過試驗,並被證實準確無誤。
- The theoretical results have been tested and verif ied by computer simuration. 通過電子計算機模擬實驗對有關理論結果進行了檢驗。
- The soundness of his judgment has yet to be tested. 他的判斷是否正確尚須驗證。
- This designation means that Diamant's cling film has been tested and found safe to be utilized in food applications. 這意味著,狄亞曼特指定的保鮮膜進行了測試,發現安全用於食品應用。
- The results of test and appraisal show that fuzzy diagnosis method is feasible and effective in an hydroelectric system. 測試和評價結果表明模糊診斷在模擬系統中的有效性和可行性。
- Kind and form of valves to be tested? 何種閥門要求被檢測?
- Therefore, we must reform old method and we must adopt some new method for test and appraise ability of spring in the course of selection gynmastic talents. 因此,必須對此進行改革,在選材過程中從新視角出發,採用新方法來對運動員的彈跳能力進行測試與評價。
- The fluctuant and conventional drying technologies for22 mm-thick Birch( Betula platyphylla) were tested and compared. 進行了樺木波動乾燥工藝和常規乾燥工藝的對比試驗。