- The boy is shy with strangers, a typical girlie. 這孩子見了生人有點靦腆,有典型的女孩子氣。
- be shy of strangers; feel shy with strangers 見生人有點靦腆
- The child is shy with strangers. 這個小孩認生。
- My child on back is shy with strangers, cry and does not stop. 我背上的孩子認生,哭個不停。
- But had been done not have a little while, virgin soil of son shy with strangers asks: "Mrs Glyn, will choose water? 可是沒過一會兒,兒子怯生生地問:「格林太太,來點水好嗎?」
- I name is liurui and you call me Alden. I am shy with pretty girls. 你還不是該社團正式成員,不能參與討論。現在就加入。
- At first, he was shy with his uncle, but little by little grew used to him. 最初他還和伯父有些生疏,但漸漸地感到不那麼怯生生的。
- Huahua Liu, man likes to eat seafood, person is shy with strangers , is easy to be frightened , please treat gently, send to return weight reward! 劉花花,男,愛吃海鮮,怕生人,易受驚,請務必溫柔對待,送回重酬!偶要做個英文的寵物牌,請幫偶翻譯成地道的美語,謝謝。
- Don't be too confidential with strangers. 不要過份相信陌生人。
- Don't worry too much about Sylvia's shyness with strangers,she'll grow out of it in time. 你不必擔心西爾維亞在生人面前怕羞,她長大以後就會好的。
- Don't be shy of telling them what you think. 你有什麼想法儘管跟他們講,不要有顧慮。
- The child feels awkward with strangers. 這孩子在陌生人面前覺得不自在。
- The bashful boy was nervous with strangers. 那個害羞的小男孩遇到陌生人就緊張。
- If child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy. 小孩若生活在嘲笑的環境中,他學得了羞怯;
- If a child lives with ridicule,he learns to be shy. 生活在嘲弄中,孩子學會的是膽怯;
- You don't want to be bothered with strangers, sir. 你們一定不願意有過客打擾,先生。
- She was shy in the company of stranger. 她在與陌生人的交往時感到很害羞。
- He feels uncomfortable with strangers. 他與陌生人在一起感到不自在。
- The bashful child felt uncomfortable with strangers. 那孩子怕羞,在陌生人面前感到很不自在。
- She was shy in the company of strangers. 她在陌生人面前害羞。