- Extact As defined, men are remarkable and noticeable figures with handiness, sturdiness and manliness, to whom women are submitted and belong, and by whom shielded. 依照男權文化的定義,男性是偉岸、堅強、充滿陽剛美的大丈夫,是柔弱女性的庇護神,而女性則是男性的附庸、私有物。
- We seized on his remark and regarded it as a promise. 我們抓住他的話把它當作是一種承諾。
- We seize on his remark and regard it as a promise. 我們抓住他的話把它當作是一種承諾。
- Max Weber is a great and outstanding sociologist. 馬克斯·韋伯是一位偉大的、傑出的社會學家。
- Nothing is so common as the wish to be remarkable. 沒有什麼比希望不平凡而更平凡的了!
- Remarkable and outstanding hurnorous and unrestrained--On Zeng guofan developing Tong Cheng group manliness 瑰瑋俊邁詼詭恣肆--曾國藩對桐城文派陽剛風格之張揚
- Tome got angry at the remark and charged colour. 湯姆因一句話而氣得臉紅。
- Nth is more common than that wish to be remarkable. 沒有什麼比希望不平凡而平凡的了。
- And her skills in spin were remarkable. 另外,維納斯的旋轉球技能也非常出色。
- We have our own team of experienced and outstanding lecturers! 我們擁有經驗豐富,戰績顯赫的演講團隊!
- He was much annoyed at my remark and called me a diehard. 他聽了非常不高興,竟罵我思想頑固。
- Subject matter of securities lending and outstanding balance. 一、借券交易事項及餘額。
- Love affair, considered to be remarkable or worth description. 值得敘述的風流韻事,浪漫史。
- The sales network and outstanding achievement is advancing rapidly. 讓華傑在開拓國際市場的道路上邁出了一大步。
- I made a suggestive remark and she poked me in the jaw. 我只是建議,她朝我下巴打了一拳。
- They seized on his remark and regarded it as a promise. 他們抓住他的話把它當作是一種承諾。
- They seized upon this remark and regarded it as a promise. 他們抓住這句話,認為這是諾言。
- Remarkable and outstanding 拔地擎天
- The boat was remarkably quick in stays. 這條船搶風調向特別快。
- Betulin and betulinic acid are remarkable natural products. 白樺脂醇和白樺脂酸是非常有價值的天然產物。