- The occupying borrower mortgagors income must be more than or at least equal to the monthly mortgage instalment payment. 佔用物業的借款人抵押人的收入必須超過或至少相等於每月的按揭供款額。
- This makes he sends domain be more than equal to a task in Internet zephyr. 這使得他在互聯網和風投領域遊刃有餘。
- Avoid dictionaries that are more than or at most fifteen years old. 最好不用10年前或遠至15年前的詞典。
- You should avoid dictionaries that are more than or at most fifteen years old. 你最好不用10年前或遠至15年前的詞典。
- I wish you'd come to my home. I need hardly say you'd be more than welcome. 我希望你能來我家。你知道我們都十分歡迎你。
- I happen to be more than usually hard up. 近來正巧手頭更緊了。
- She seems to be more than fifty. 她看起來有五十多歲。
- He will be more than happy to come with us. 他巴不得和我們一起來。
- I wanted it to be more than a one-night stand. 我要的不只是一夜情緣。
- But he did not appear to be more than sixty. 但是看去好象還沒有過六十。
- There can't be more than five or six hotels in this town. 在這個鎮上,不可能有超過五六家賓館。
- It was more than flesh and blood could bear. 這是血肉之軀無法忍受的。
- I am more than twice as old as he. 我的年齡是他的兩倍還不止。
- We were more than happy to hear of your escape! 我們聽說你逃了出來,萬分高興。
- My share was more than all the others put together. 我的股份比所有其他人的合在一起還要多。
- Rap music proved to be more than just a passing fad. 事實證明,說唱音樂並不是曇花一現。
- There was more than a hint of sadness in his voice. 他的聲音里有許多哀傷的成分。
- There are more than 50 mariners on this ship. 船上有五十多名水手。
- There are more than fifty workers in this workshop. 這個車間里有五十多個工人。
- There are more than thirty footmen in this hotel. 這家旅館里有三十多名僕役。