- She insisted how it might tend to a further divulging the secret, and might in the end be injurious to him. 她堅持說這樣就更容易泄漏秘密,也許最後對他有所不利。
- The dead can not be recalled to life. 死者不能復活。
- Ah, how many of us have pined after reliefs to our grief which would have been injurious to us! 當我們從傷害的憂傷中被釋放出來以後,中間有多少個人憔悴了!
- California is extremely fortunate in not having nematodes that are injurious to the banana. 加州是非常幸運了;不用線蟲是傷到香蕉.
- Cloisters, useful in the early education of modern civilization, have embarrassed its growth, and are injurious to its development. 修院對現代文化的初步形成是有用處的,可是也會妨礙它的成長,更能毒害它的發展。
- This British Standard calls for the use of substances and/or procedures that can be injurious to health if adequate precautions are not taken. 英國標準指明,未進行相應預防措施而擅自使用此類物質或程序會有害於健康。
- Darwin was convinced that the loss of these tastes was not only a loss of happiness, but might possibly be injurious to the intellect, and more probably to the moral character. 參考答案:他謙遜地補充道,或許他「比普通人更能夠注意到那些容易忽視的細節,並對其進行仔細的觀察」。
- In a few minutes Tom suddenly came to life. 一小會兒湯姆突然蘇醒過來。
- Darvin was convinced that the loss of these tastes was not only a loss of happiness, but might possibly be injurious to the intellect, and more probably to the moral character. 參考譯文:達爾文認為,對(音樂和繪畫方面)興趣的喪失,失去的不僅僅是一種樂趣,而且可能會傷害到智力,更有甚者還可能傷害到道德。
- He has a mellow attitude to life. 他對生活有種成熟的看法。
- When such important principles are overlooked, a woman will try far too hard to impress her date, which can only create unrealistic expectations for future outings and be injurious to her health and reputation. 一旦這些重要的原則被忽略,女人就會過分努力地取悅對方,這隻會導致自己對於未來不切實際的期待,對自己的健康和名譽造成損害。
- That water is indispensable to life is obvious. 很明顯水對生命是必不可少的。
- The play came to life under his direction. 在他的導演下,這齣戲演得活龍活現。
- Makes sense.A law prohibiting a wrong thing will cause or force people to do the wrong thing, that will be injurious to their health, and they have no responsibility for their actions. 有意義的是法律禁止錯誤的事情會導致或強迫人民來做錯事,這個錯事將損害他們的健康,他們對自己的行動沒有責任。
- It will be difficult to live down this humiliation. 這個恥辱忘掉是難以做到的。
- Sunrise -- and the farm comes to life again. 太陽一升起,農場就又活。
- Air and water are indispensable to life. 空氣和水是生命所必需的東西。
- Air, food and water are indispensable to life. 空氣,食物,水皆為生命不可缺者。
- They are injurious to women's health 它們對婦女健康
- The town came to life after sunrise. 日出之後,這個市鎮變得充滿生氣。