- Be in on the act To be included in an activity. 參與:參加行動。
- To be in an inactive or dormant state or period. 冬眠時期處於一種不活動的或潛伏的狀態或時期
- Link-v continue to be in an unchanged state. 保持,仍處於某種狀態。
- To be in an excited or agitated state;seethe. 激動,騷動處在一種激動或不安的狀態;激動
- She was in an agony of indecision. 她陷於猶豫不決的痛苦之中。
- The poor dog was in an extremity of pain. 這條可憐的狗正處在極度痛苦之中。
- The first time I saw seals was in an aquarium. 我第一次看見海豹是在水族館里。
- To be in an excited or agitated state; seethe. 激動,騷動處在一種激動或不安的狀態;激動
- To be in an undeveloped stage or condition. 處於未發能的階段或狀態
- Jessica seems always to be in an optimistic mood. 傑西卡看起來情緒總是很樂觀。
- The paintings were in an excellent state of preservation. 這些畫保存的非常好。
- That evening he was in an unusual light-hearted mood. 那晚他的心情異常輕鬆。
- The business community was in an uproar over the new tax law. 商界因新稅法而陷入一片嘩然。
- Being in an early period of life, development, or growth. 年幼的處於生命、發展或成長的早期的
- Being in an unfamiliar city can be frightening. 置身於不熟悉的城市裡可能是件令人害怕的事,
- Don't appear to be in an inferior to him, or he'll walk over you. 不要顯得低於他,否則他會騎到你脖子上的。
- I am in an awful hurry to get to the station. 我刻不容緩,必須馬上去車站。
- Your domestic scene could continue to be in an uproar this week. 家庭情況仍然會是一片混亂。
- It was in an obscure warehouse on Telegraph Road. 那是電報路上一座不明顯的倉庫。
- Only in this way can you be in an impregnable position for good. 也只有這樣,你才能永遠立於不敗之地。