- My knitting was in a terrible snarl. 我織的東西都亂成一團了。
- The poor girl was in a terrible plight. 這個可憐的女孩處境極其惡劣。
- Her hair was in a terrible mess. 她的頭髮亂極了。
- The company's affairs are in a terrible mess. 這家公司的事務弄得一團糟。
- Her children were in a terrible state of neglect. 她的孩子們簡直沒人管。
- The room was in a terrible mess. 房間里髒亂不堪。
- The poor girl was in a terrible plight . 這個可憐的女孩處境極其惡劣。
- The house was in a terrible state of neglect. 這座房子好像處於被忽略的狀態。
- His room was in a terrible state. There were books and clothes thrown on the bed any old how. 他的房子亂七八糟。書籍、衣服都隨隨便便地扔在床上。
- He was in a terrible plight, trapped at the back of the cave. 他的處境甚危,掉進了山洞後面的陷阱里。
- I am in a terrible bind, I have too many things to attend to. 最近公務蝟集,忙得我是焦頭爛額。
- You will be in a fix if the teacher catches you. 假如老師抓到你的話,你就會進退兩難。
- The school has been in a terrible state for a long time. 這所學校一直破敗不堪。
- He seemed to be in a great hurry. 他看起來很匆忙的樣子。
- He's been in a terrible mood all day. I hope he will snap out of it. 他整天心情沮喪,我希望他打起精神來。
- The crew were in a terrible plight by the time they reached the harbor. 船員們抵達港口時境況已相當凄慘。
- We are in a real fix - there is nobody to look after the baby. 我們真的處於困境——沒人照顧嬰兒。
- The next morning, when Misery went to the "Cave", he was in a fearful rage, and he kicked up a terrible row with Crass. 第二天早上,瘟神到「窯洞別墅」來,怒氣沖沖地對克拉斯大發脾氣。
- I was in a serious car accident last year. B: That must have been a terrible ordeal. Ordeal n. 苦難經理,折磨,煎熬。
- His business affairs are in a terrible mess; they'll take ages to straighten out. 他的生意搞得一塌糊塗,因而他們要花很長時間才能整頓好。