- People went to visit the Museum on and on. 參觀博物館人們絡繹不絕。
- She chattered on and on about her recent trip. 她喋喋不休地談她最近的旅行。
- She quickly covered her face with her hands. Her mind was growing hazy. Before her eyes there seemed to be a vast stretch of water, rolling on and on, without end. 她連忙用手蒙住臉,她的思想漸漸地模糊起來,眼前是一片白茫茫的水,接連地,接連地滾著,真是無邊無際。
- He rambled on and on without giving anyone else a chance to speak. 他不停地講著,也不給別人一點講話的機會。
- Crops can be grown on this land after desalination. 這片土地經過脫鹽就可以種植莊稼了。
- Tier upon tier of trees are growing on the hill. 山上各種樹木層層疊疊。
- Someday we'll all be gone But lullabyes go on and on. 將來我們都會離開但搖籃曲繼續傳唱。
- They argued on and on, never reaching any ultimatum. 他們爭論不休,得不出任何結論。
- The soil is rich enough for cotton to be grown on it. 這土地十分肥沃,可以種植棉花。
- It rained on and on for three whole days at the beginning of our holiday. 我們的假期剛開始時,雨就整整下了3天。
- Beans were grown on both sides of the ditch. 溝的兩側種著豆子。
- She clattered on and on about her children. 她喋喋不休地談論她的兒女。
- She chattered on and on about her new fur coat. 提起她的新皮大衣,她就沒完沒了地絮叨起來。
- Oranges are grown on these hills. 這些小山上種有橘子樹。
- They walked on and on until they came to a village. 他們往前走了走,最後走到一個村落跟前。
- He talked on and on for almost an hour . 他不停地講呀講,講了將近一個小時。
- The stranger's smooth voice went on and on. 陌生客油腔滑調地說個不停。
- On and on he thundered, mile after mile. 他繼續一英里接一英里地向前飛奔。
- He fell asleep again and had a second dream: Seven heads of grain, healthy and good, were growing on a single stalk. 他又睡著,第二回做夢,夢見一棵麥子長了七個穗子,又肥大又佳美
- Always be prepared for this question, or you'll end up droning on and on. 要時刻準備好回答這個問題,不然你只會嘮嘮叨叨地說不到重點。