- It was foolhardy (of him) to go swimming alone. (他)獨自一人去游泳真是魯莽。
- It would be foolhardy to sail in weather like this. 這種天氣出航就是瞎冒險。
- But it cannot be foolhardy about inflation. 但它在通脹問題上莽撞不得。
- It was foolhardy to go swimming alone. 獨自一人去游泳真是魯莽.
- It was foolhardy (of him) to go swimming alone . (他)獨自一人去游泳真是魯莽.
- Although it may be foolhardy to compare things as complex as religions, people do. 儘管把宗教看作大雜燴樣的東西是不明智的,人們確實是這樣看的。
- One of the hostages was foolhardy enough to try to wrest the gun from the hijacker's hand. 有一個人質莽撞地企圖去奪劫機者手中的槍。
- Arbitrarily dismissing the direct link between increasing sexual promiscuity and the rapid spread of sexually transmitted diseases would be foolhardy. 武斷地無視性亂行為的增多和性傳播疾病的迅速蔓延之間的直接聯繫是魯莽的。
- One of the hostages was foolhardy enough to try to wrest the gun from the hijackers hand. 有一個人質莽撞地企圖去奪劫機者手中的槍
- Arbitrarily dismissing the direct link between increasing *ual promiscuity and the rapid spread of *ually transmitted diseases would be foolhardy . 武斷地無視性亂行為的增多和性傳播疾病的迅速蔓延之間的直接聯繫是魯莽的。
- It seemed to her as if she had made a splendid escape and that it would be foolhardy to think of applying in that quarter again. 在她看來,她這麼溜出來再妙不過了。 如果還想在這裡找工作,就真是太愣頭愣腦不自量力了。
- There is a wonderful characteristic in the Icelandic mentality - fearlessness, with an addiction to risk-taking to the point of being foolhardy. 咱冰島人骨子裡是英勇無畏的,勇於冒險甚至於有點魯莽了。
- Arbitrarily dismissing the direct link between increasing sexual promiscuity and the rapid spread of sexually transmitted diseases would be foolhardy . 武斷地無視性亂行為的添加和性傳達疾病的迅速蔓延之間的直接聯繫是魯莽的。
- This led to accusations that some SS officers were foolhardy and wasted their men's lives on operations conceived only out of pride or arrogance. 因此這常使得一些黨衛隊官員被認為是莽夫之勇,僅僅由於驕傲和自負而在戰場上漠視生命。
- But jealousy of his brother leads Loku to be foolhardy and he starts a bushfire that destroys the crops of Jikup's tribe. 但是他的兄弟嫉妒帶領Loku是有勇無謀的,並且他開始毀壞Jikup的部落莊稼的bushfire。
- If a thief was foolhardy enough to somehow penetrate the screen of defensive ships, he still had to contend with a planet that was mostly wasteland. 就算一個竊賊足夠勇猛,能莫名其妙地掠過防禦飛船的監視屏,他也不得不在一顆幾近荒蕪的星球上掙扎。
- Arbitrarily dismissing the direct link between increasing sexual promiscuity and the rapid sdivad of sexually transmitted diseases would be foolhardy . 武斷地無視性亂行為的增多和性傳播疾病的迅速蔓延之間的直接聯繫是魯莽的。
- Unfortunately he won't be here tomorrow evening. 可惜的是他明晚不在這兒。
- US President George W.Bush said China would be foolhardy to dump dollars, while the top Republican on the US Senate Finance Committee wrote to the Chinese ambassador seeking clarification. 美國總統喬治布希稱中國拋售美元的行爲過於魯莽,與此同時美國參議院金融委員會最高官員寫信給中國大使以澄清此事。
- He has a yen to be alone in a boat. 他渴望獨自待在一條船上。