- We were fearful of losing our way in the forest. 我們擔心在森林裡迷路。
- I was fearful of not killing him on the spot. 我恐怕不能立刻殺死他。
- When fear of the other is shown to be fear of otherness, we come to the point of identifying difference with division. 當我們能證明對他人的恐懼即是對他性的恐懼時, 我們即可將差異認為是分類隔離。
- We are fearful of losing our way in the forest. 我們擔心在森林裡迷路。
- He was fearful of wakening his father. 他怕吵醒他父親。
- The boss was fearful of his secretary' s anger. 老闆很怕他的秘書生氣。
- The boss was fearful of his secretary's anger. 老闆很怕他的秘書生氣。
- They are fearful of another business depression. 他們擔心會再次發生商業蕭條。
- We are fearful of lose our way in the forest. 我們擔心在森林裡迷路。
- They were fearful of tackling him. 他們害怕與他打交道。
- He was fearful of the consequences. 他害怕那些後果。
- Her fear of water can be trace back to a childhood accident. 她很怕水,起因可歸於兒時的一次事故。
- Her fear of water can be traced back to a childhood accident. 她很怕水,起因可歸於兒時的一次事故。
- He left an hour early for fear of missing the train. 他提早一小時離開,惟恐錯過那次火車。
- She was constantly spurred on by a fear of failure. 對失敗的恐懼不斷地激勵著她。
- The thief went in constant fear of discovery. 那賊時刻都在擔心被人發現。
- This was how I learned the reason for my nausea: it was fear, not only of confronting my ghosts but fear of everything. 就在此時我明白了我暈船的原因:只是因為害怕,不僅怕我心裡的鬼,更是怕所有事情。
- The fear of ridicule is a very effective sanction. 人們不做違法亂紀的事,其中一個重要因素就是怕人恥笑。
- Indeed, one reason for the brisk car sales may be fears of an imminent price rise. 確實,印度轎車暢銷的一個原因可能是對馬上面臨的價格上漲的擔憂。
- Fear of the consequences preyed on her mind. 她擔心其後果而惴惴不安。