- Be devoted to the Party's educational task. 忠誠黨的教育事業。
- The final term will be devoted to project work. 最後一學期的時間將全部用於專題研究。
- Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. 愛弟兄,要彼此親熱。
- Her life was devoted to caring for the sick and needy. 她一生都致力於關心照顧貧病交迫的人。
- The balance of the wages was devoted to new books on flower culture. 剩下來的工資全用來購買花卉栽培的新書上了。
- Most of his spare time was devoted to the translation of those works. 他把大部分的餘暇都有於翻譯那些作品。
- They told of his devotion to duty. 他們談到了他忠於職守。
- Professor Field was devoted to the exploration of the frontier of Medicine. 菲爾德教授致力於探索醫學研究的新領域。
- As a soldier, he showed selfless devotion to duty. 作為戰士, 他表現出了對其天職的無私奉獻。
- They are devoted to their children. 他們深愛著自己的孩子。
- The general had an unswerving devotion to duty. 這位將軍堅定不移地忠於職守。
- Herman had acted as if he were devoted to Yasha. 赫爾曼還裝出一副對雅夏心悅誠服的樣子。
- He had an unswerving devotion to duty. 他堅定不移地忠於職守。
- Therefore my lectures will be devoted to such a study. 因此,我的講演就來研究持久戰。
- His life was devoted to the pleasures of the flesh. 他一生放蕩形骸。
- She told me she was devoted to the child. 她告訴過我說她喜歡這個孩子。
- After my retirement I shall continue to be devoted to their cause. 退下來以後,我將繼續忠於黨和國家的事業。
- The couple were devoted to each other. 夫妻倆感情很好。
- His life was devoted to the pleasure of the flesh. 他一生貪圖肉體上的舒適享受。
- Acres of newsprint have been devoted to the issue. 報紙大肆報道了這一事件。