- He was deeply concerned at the news. 他對這個消息深感關心。
- They are deeply concerned for the collective. 他們非常關心集體。
- We are deeply concerned over the plight of the refugees . 我們對難民們的悲慘命運感到十分憂慮。
- Both sides are deeply concerned about the grave situation there. 雙方都對那裡的嚴重局勢深為關心。
- He was deeply concerned about ordinary people's lives. 他是一個有很強人民性的畫家
- They were deeply concerned over the mounting tension. 他們深深關懷日益加劇的緊張局勢。
- We are deeply concerned that a large number of our compatriots there have lost their homes. 那裡有我們失去了家園的大量同胞,我們深感關切。
- Kennedy was deeply concerned with the conflict between the United States and Soviet Union. 肯尼迪對於美蘇衝突深為關注。
- We are deeply concerned at the news that your country has been struck by an earthquake. 獲悉貴國遭受地震,我們極為關切。
- Yet, we felt that Master was deeply concerned about the homeless flood victims in serious need of relief and comfort. 但一想到師父非常關切那些無家可歸又急需物資的災民,我們決定不顧一切前往,並祈求師父幫忙。
- In conclusion, I should like to say that I am deeply concerned for the future of British theatre. 總之,我想說我對英國戲劇的未來十分關注。
- Wiccans are deeply concerned with conservation and ecology, and as in all Neo-Pagan religions. 巫術崇拜者與永恆和生態學深深相連,如同新異教信仰大成。
- The report also addresses domestic violence and the spokesman explained that the Government was deeply concerned about this. 報告亦提及家庭暴力,發言人解釋政府對此亦非常關注。
- The egotistic separateness is perhaps the very root of the degeneration of the wholeness of the mind with which we are deeply concerned. 自我的分離感或許就是破壞頭腦完整性的根源,這點正是我們深切關注的。
- As an effective path of integrating these paradoxes, the ambidextrous organization has been deeply concerned by academic circles. 因此,作為將這種悖論進行融合的一種有效途徑而提出的二元組織模式,開始引起學術界的關注。
- Officers in the force are deeply concerned about the fact that despite serious allegations having been made, no corresponding criminal prosecutions have been instituted to date. 廉署對警員作出嚴重指控,卻至今仍未有提起刑事訴訟。警方對廉署的辦事手法深表關注。
- The three-time world heavyweight boxing champion and his wife Lonnie said they were deeply concerned about a growing culture of violence among young people. 這位三次世界最具重量級拳擊冠軍和他的妻子Lonnie說他們非常關注年輕人關於恐怖事件的看法。
- Bellow was deeply concerned about these problems, and by revealing the various absurdities in life and society, tried to make make reassess the meaning of life. 貝婁對這些問題表現了極大的關注,試圖在自己的作品中揭露社會與人生的種種荒謬,喚醒人類善良的天性,重新審視生存的真正含義。
- Officers in the force are deeply concerned about the fact that de ite serious allegatio having been made, no corre onding criminal prosecutio have been i tituted to date. 廉署對警員作出嚴重指控,卻至今仍未有提起刑事訴訟。警方對廉署的辦事手法深表關注。
- Tang Chuanqi was deeply concerned to individuals and pursued aesthetic taste.It exceeded Biographic tradition in function,ways and means,style.But the exceed was hearsay. 唐人傳奇關切個體生命,追求審美意味,目光內斂,在功能、方法、風格方面對史傳傳統產生內在的、溫和的超越。