- You said the wrong thing at the wrong time. 你在不當的時候說了不當的話。
- Value analysis was born at the General Electric Co. 通用電器公司提出了價值分析的方法。
- She burst into laughing at the wrong time. 她不合時宜地突然笑了起來。
- I choose to become weak at the wrong time. 我在這個錯誤的時候選擇變得軟弱。
- He was born at the turn of the century. 他是本世紀初出生的。
- Caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. 在錯誤的時間錯誤的地點被抓住。
- At the wrong time, met the right person, it is definitely a sigh. 在錯的時間,遇見對的人,是一陣嘆息。
- They were caught in the the wrong place at the wrong time. 他們在錯誤的時間被困在了錯誤的地方。
- Sometimes I feel I was born in the wrong time when I hear Vivaldi's concerts or see the sculpture of Michelangelo or the frescoes of Botticelli. 觸鍵強大,攝人心魄,低回處又有婉轉深情。是樂壇的哥特式人物,更是讓樂迷心心念念且不可預知的古怪天才。
- Life is infinitely happier if we could be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen. 如果我們能在八十歲的時候出生,然後慢慢長到十八歲,那生活該多美好啊!
- John: What a coincident! We were born at the same day. 約翰:真巧!我們竟在同一天出生。
- Remark: The author was born at Hang Zhou. 作品說明:作者是杭州人,祖籍徽州,其作品多冠「新安」。
- Christian Huygens, Dutch scientist and astronomer, was born at The Hague, the son of a poet. 荷蘭科學家、文學家克里斯蒂安·更斯生於海牙的一個詩人家庭。
- He was born at 7 in the morning. 他是在早晨七點出生的。
- Mom told me in my childhood, The sea is my hometown. I was born at the seaside, And grew up in the sea. 小時候,媽媽對我講,大海就是我故鄉,海邊出生,海里成長。
- Stars in clusters were born at the same time. Hence, they have the same age, but their masses are different. 我們曾經提到星團內的成員星是同時誕生的,所以年紀亦理應差不多,那麼它們最主要的分別便只剩下質量。
- Every year, 7,000 babies are born at the health center where Ousmane Ndiaye works in Guediaway, outside Dakar. 現在,一位在塞內加爾以新生兒護理為專業的醫生正領導一項由衛生部和國際兒童基金會提供資助的計劃。
- Juliet got off the train at the wrong station. 朱麗葉下錯了火車。
- More than 200 years after it was born at the base of a buttonwood tree, Wall Street as we have known it is ceasing to exist. 在一棵梧桐樹下誕生了200多年後,我們所熟知的華爾街正在逐漸消亡。
- One indiscreet remark at the wrong moment could ruin the whole plan. 若時機不當,一言不慎,可能毀掉整個計畫。