- The small firms were absorbed into large cartels. 這些小公司被大企業聯盟兼并了。
- It must be first digested, then allowed to be absorbed into the body. 它首先必須被消化,然後被身體吸收。
- A lot of villages were absorbed into the flood . 很多村莊被洪水吞沒。
- Nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream. 營養素被吸收進血液。
- The money was absorbed into a savings account. 這筆錢應該被放入儲蓄賬戶。
- Now we're being absorbed into LYCE. 現在我們合併到LYCE公司。
- The area is being absorbed into its neighbouring country. 這一地區正在併入鄰國。
- Lead is well known to be toxic and clearly can be absorbed into the body from ambient air. 眾所周知,鉛是有毒的,顯然能從環境空氣中吸入人體。
- The rapid urbanization of Tokyo has made it increasingly difficult for rainwater to be absorbed into the ground. 都市化高度進展中的東京,使雨水滲入地面愈發困難。
- The organic process by which food is converted into substances that can be absorbed into the body. 食物被轉化為能被人體吸收的物質的一個有機過程。
- The surrounding small towns have been absorbed into the city. 四周的小城鎮已併入這座城市。
- Refined sugars are absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly. 血液吸收精製糖非常快。
- Many little shops have been absorbed into big businesses. 許多小商店逐步發展成大商行。
- Many intellectuals have been absorbed into the Party. 很多知識分子被吸收入黨了。
- This ethnic group was absorbed into the Han Nationality centuries ago. 漢族幾個世紀前就同化了這個民族。
- Nearly all the redundant worker have been absorbed into other departments. 幾乎所有冗員,都已調往其他部門任職。
- People of many different nationalities have,over the years,been absorbed into the population of the city. 各種國籍的人們經過多年以後,已同化為這個城市的居民了。
- The humour of it is not to be absorbed in a hurry. 其中的幽默不是一下子能領會的。
- Numerous persons with only a few Negroid traits annually "pass over" and are absorbed into the dominant Caucasoid population. 有無數特性不顯著的黑人每年被當作白人而加入佔優勢的白人社會。
- Writing paper A kind of paper with a smooth surface, sized to prevent ink from being absorbed into the fibres. 表面平滑,經施膠以防止墨水滲入纖維內的紙。