- Delicate plants must be protected from cold wind and frost. 嬌弱的植物必須妥為保護以避免風霜的侵襲。
- The delicate orchid should be protected from cold,wind and frost. 嬌弱的蘭花應被妥善照顧 以防風霜的侵襲.
- The delicate orchid should be protected from cold,wind and frost. . 嬌弱的蘭花應被妥善照顧 以防風霜的侵襲.
- The plants should be protected from the cold. 應該保護這些植物使之不受凍。
- The insulation must be protected from moisture. 隔熱層必須防潮。
- Please make sure that the goods be protected from moisture. 請保證貨物不受潮。
- The metal parts can be protected from corrosion by painting. 塗漆可以防止金屬零件腐蝕。
- The eggs when laid must be protected from desiccation and predation. 避免乾燥、被食。
- THPA is hydroscopic and should be protected from light and moisture. THPA具有潮解性,貯存時應遠離水氣,容器開封后,應儘快使用。
- A greenhouse is a glass building in which you grow plants that need to be protected from bad weather. 所謂溫室就是玻璃建築,裡面培植一些需要保護以免受壞天氣侵襲的植物。
- The houses were protected from noise, odors, and thieves. 房子可以免受噪音、氣味和小偷的騷擾。
- The overall management portion must be protected from intrusion at the network level. 整個管理部分必須受到保護,防止網路入侵。
- Children and young people have a paramount right to be protected from the danger of sexual abuse. 兒童和青少年免受性侵犯的權利,應受到特別的保障。
- The measuring equipment shall be protected from damage and deterioration during handling, maintenance and storage. 測量設備應在搬運維護和貯存期間防止損壞和失效.
- to be protected from cold 防冷
- These housings (series P) are produced from cold rolled sheet steel and are protected against corrosion by a yellow chromate surface treatment. 這些軸承座(系列P)用冷軋鋼板製造,表面經過黃色鍍鉻處理,以防腐蝕。
- That means that each aircraft needs about 30 ground crew, who in turn have to be protected from attack. 這就意味著每架飛機需要配備大約30名自身也必須加以保護免受攻擊的地勤人員。
- You will be protected from the lash of the tongue, and need not fear when destruction comes. 你必被隱藏,不受口舌之害;災殃臨到,你也不懼怕。
- The mortar position should be protected from direct-fire weapons as best as possible. 迫擊炮位應盡量避開敵軍直接火力打擊。
- The workers are protected from unfair dismissal by government legislation. 政府立法保護工人免遭不公正解僱的侵害。