The strongest man (that) you can think of cannot tear the log apart with bare hands. 就連你所能想到的最壯的人也不能光用手就將木頭撕裂。
In the uprising the serfs fought with bare hands against gunfire. 在暴動中,農奴們以赤手空拳對付鋼槍鐵炮。
If he says that again I'll kill him with my bare hands! 要是他再說一遍,我會赤手空拳打死他。
He swore that if ever he caught the fellow that had trampled down his saplings, he would strangle him with his bare hands. 他發誓說要是他逮到踩倒他樹苗的人,他就要赤手空拳地把那人掐死。