- Every check (note) sent to the clearing house has a receiving bank and a paying bank. 送到交換所進行交換的每張支票(票據)都有收款行和付款行。
- Let' s clear all this crap off the kitchen. 讓我們把廚房裡所有的垃圾清理掉。
- Every check (note) sent to the clearing house has a receiving banka paying bank. 送到交換所進行交換的每張支票(票據)都有收款行和付款行。
- Let』s clear the decks before the storm hits. 在風暴來臨之前,讓我們做好準備吧!
- By midafternoon, it』s clear that more is needed. 到了下午3時左右,顯然還需要多下工夫。
- Yet there』s clear deflationary pressure on the U. 當前美國經濟面臨著通貨緊縮的壓力。
- Helsinki Securities and Derivatives Exchange, Clearing House Ltd. 赫爾辛基證券及衍生商品交易所及結算所有限公司。
- We balance these interbank obligations through the clearing house . 我們通過票據交換所來平衡這些銀行之間的債務。
- A clearing house is an office where banks exchange checksdrafts. 票據交換所是銀行交換支票、匯票的地方。
- Hobson:What is meant by the term Clearing House Association ? 霍布森:票據交換是什麼意思?
- If, to become a shareholder and part owner of Commerce Clearing House, you pay, say, six times book value, that does not change CCH's return on equity. 就算你用高於凈值六倍的價錢買下一家公司,同樣也不會影響該公司的股東權益報酬率。
- Action was taken to correct this in 1988 through arrangements that required the Management Bank of the Clearing House of the HKAB to maintain a clearing account with the Government's then Monetary Affairs Branch for the account of the Exchange Fund. 為了糾正這種情況,當局在一九八八年實施會計安排,規定香港銀行公會結算所的管理銀行通過政府當時的金融科在外匯基金開設結算戶口。
- Associate Clearing Housing Amsterdam B.V. 阿姆斯特丹聯合結算所有限公司 ...
- A clearing house is an office where banks exchange checks and drafts. 票據交換所是銀行交換支票、匯票的地方。
- Wish on a shooting star after the rain\'s cleared, get up, comrade. 對著天上紛紛落下的流星,許下你的願望,同志,要努力!
- Matthew Syed asks why, but it』s clearly nature』s way. 馬太 西亞德對此有疑問,但這確實是本能的行為。
- The price fixed by the clearing house at which deliveries on futures are invoiced. 由結算所確定的期貨商品交割的票麵價格。
- So between the local and Federal Reserve clearing houses,checks drawn on any bank in the country can be easily processed . 因此,在地方和聯邦票據交換所之間,國內任何銀行開出的支票都能很容易地得到處理。
- The Hong Kong banking sector also successfully passed its part of the Global Payments Systems Test organised by the New York Clearing House in June. 香港銀行業亦成功通過由紐約結算所在一九九九年六月舉辦的全球銀行支付系統測試。
- Future needs 「It』s clear to us we need to have major labels in the long run ,」 Kapur said. 未來的需求 「顯而易見,我們未來還是需要大型唱片公司的音樂。」