- He fashioned the clay into a jar. 他用粘土做成一個陶土罐子。
- How much is a jar of peanut butter? 一瓶花生醬多少錢?
- A jar of pickle will contain pickled cabbage. 泡菜罈盛放著泡菜。
- They bottled up the gunmen like turtles in a jar. 他們把持槍歹徒圍困得像瓮中之鱉。
- The girl was balancing a book on her head. 這個女孩頭頂上放著一本書。
- We bottled the enemy up like turtles in a jar. 我們把敵人圍困得象瓮中之鱉。
- Probably not so good at balancing a checkbook. 可能不怎麼擅長平衡收支。
- He turned up a jar of ancient coins. 他挖了一缺罐子古錢。
- There is a jar of marmalade on the breakfast table. 早餐桌上有一罐橘子醬。
- I have bought a jar of strawberry jam. 我買了一瓶草莓醬。
- I need a jar to make the krauts. 我需要一個罈子做泡菜。
- We felt a jar when the train suddenly stopped. 火車突然地停下來,我們感到一震。
- Epimethens had in his house a jar. 厄庇墨透斯家裡放著一個瓮。
- Caught a dragon fly inside a jar. 捉一隻蜻蜓,放入瓶。
- The penguin comes to a jar with a sickle. 拿著鐮刀的企鵝,來到一隻罈子前。
- I did not yell I am not putting a dollar in a jar. 我沒有激動。
- He left his window a jar to keep the air fresh. 為了保持屋裡空氣新鮮,他把窗戶留了一條縫。
- A jar making and reserving sauce, pickles, etc. 製作和存放醬、醬油用的缸。
- Some restaurants have a jar for tips . 一些飯店裡設有專門裝小費的罐子。
- Put some soil into a jar of water. 將一些土壤放用廣口瓶裝的水裡。