an edge tool with a heavy bladed head mounted across a handle
動詞 axe:
chop or split with an ax
用作名詞 (n.)
The core axes of roll mill had been ruptured continuely. 大環件軋機的芯軸連續發生斷裂。
Use this wizard to calibrate the axes of your game controller. 使用該嚮導校準遊戲控制器的軸。
This is the colour that is used for drawing lines like axes. 這是用於繪製線條(例如軸線)的顏色。
The system solves the problem of two axes' parallel error measurement and improves the level of product modernization. 本測量系統解決了兩軸線平行度誤差的測量問題,提高了產品的現代化水平。
The broke the door in with axes. 他們用斧子劈開了門。
They cut their way through the forest with their axes. 他們用斧頭在樹林里劈出一條路。