- rouse the deaf and awaken the unhearing 振聾發聵
- (said of ringing statements) to rouse the deaf and enlighten the benighted; to awaken the laggard and to arouse the phlegmatic 振聾發聵
- Awake, harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn. 琴瑟啊,你們當醒起!我自己要極早醒起!
- Public opinion is oriented and wrong, the disaster that is party and people " epigrammatic awaken the deaf, thought-provoking; 輿論導向錯誤,是黨和人民之禍」的警句振聾發聵,發人深省;
- The deaf find social life difficult. 聾人發現社會生活是困難的。
- The deaf and dump can neither speak nor hear. 聾啞人既不會說話也不能聽。
- The blind can no more see than the deaf can hear. 盲人看不見正如聾子聽不見一樣。
- The deaf and mute communicate by sign language. 聾啞人用手語溝通。
- The deaf mutes use their hands to communicate. 聾啞人用手勢交際。
- Bell's father had even gone so far as to develop a system of so-called "visible speech" for the deaf. 貝爾的父親甚至為聾人發明了一套所謂的「可見的語言」。
- They were making enough noise to awaken the dead. 他們發出的聲音大得能把死人吵醒。
- The deaf man has learned to lip-read a large vocabulary of words. 那個聾人已學會用唇讀法了解許多詞。
- I don't want to awaken the others. 我不想吵醒其他人。
- Audrea was sent to a special schools for the deaf. 安德魯被送到特為聾人辦的學校去了。
- The deaf and dumb are sent to a special school. 聾啞人都被送到一所特殊的學校讀書。
- The boy was sent to a special school for the deaf. 那個男孩被送到特為聾啞人辦的學校去了。
- We must awaken the people to the dangers our country faces. 我們必須使人民認識到我們國家面臨的危險。
- We must awaken the people to the dangers facing our country . 我們必須使人民認識到我們國家面臨的危險。
- Love inpours into the deaf world! 愛,流入無聲世界!
- Should we not attempt to awaken the inner forces to God's presence? 我們不應該去喚醒內心的力量以經歷上帝的臨在嗎?