- He raised a new issue in support of Comrade Wang' s opinion. 他提出新論點支持王同志的意見。
- To be quite frank, a tend to agree with Mr. Croft ' s opinion . 坦白地說,傾向於同意克羅夫特先生的意見。
- To is quite frank, a tend to agree with mr. croft' s opinion. 坦白地說,傾向於同意克羅夫特先生的意見。
- The government got its way and a neutered report appeared that took out the auditor general's criticisms and much else. 政府得以逃脫責任;調查報告中去掉了總審計長的抨擊性意見和其他批評,成了溫吞水。
- Before using financial statements analysts must review the auditor' s opinions carefully. 在使用財務報表之前,財務報表分析者必須認真地閱讀審計報告。
- When a prospective buyer considers your product, he will trust the expert』s opinion more than an intermediate』s. 當一個新用戶考慮產品時,他會更加信賴專家,而不是中間用戶的看法。
- A bilious philosopher 's opinion of the world can only be accepted with a pinch of salt, of Epsom salt by preference . 膽汁質(暴躁)的哲學家的世界觀,要加上一小撮鹽方能接受,惟以瀉鹽為較佳。
- A player, in Ancellotti』s opinion, who has shown the upmost professionalism, on and off the pitch. 而馬爾蒂尼則早已作好了慶祝自己意甲生涯二十年紀念日的準備。
- Due to Kuhn』s opinion, the function of paradigm was ruling and leading the practice of the community. 誠如庫恩所言,範式的功能在於引導與規範共同體的實踐活動。
- The Office of the Auditor General 其執行機構為審計總署
- A bilious philosopher 's opinion of the world can only be accepted with a pinch of salt, of Epsom salt by preference. 膽汁質(暴躁)的哲學家的世界觀,要加上一小撮鹽方能接受,惟以瀉鹽為較佳。
- Office of the Auditor General of Canada 加拿大審計長公署
- Blanche』s experiences embody expulsion and exile, which, in Foucault』s opinion, are inseparable from power. 本文首先論述了「性」的話語,因為這是劇中大部分衝突的核心。
- Office of the Auditor General of Fiji 斐濟審計長公署
- The essence of Liang Shuming"s opinion of culture in his early period is eclecticism. 梁漱溟這一早期文化觀的實質就是折中主義。
- United States Air Force Auditor General 美國空軍審計長
- In Ronald Dworkin』s opinion, the contravention of the whole society is the conflict of personal right and state right. 德沃金認為,整個社會的矛盾可以歸結為個人權利和國家權利之間的對抗。
- Liang Shuming"s opinion of eclecticism culture has very important revelation to constructing socialism culture. 梁漱溟折中主義文化觀對建設社會主義新文化具有極其重要的啟示意義。
- In Jane Collard』s opinion, stress is becoming an increasingly common feature of the workplace. 在簡科勒德認為,壓力正日益成為共同特點,在工作場所。
- It is to the author』s opinion that under current legal system,Air Waybill is nothing but a document of evidence. 作者認為 :在現行制度下 ,航空貨運單僅具「證據文書」性質。